Page 28 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2022
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        Zain  Ranked  Best  Employer  in  Kuwait  and  Among  Top-10  Companies  to
        Work for in Middle East by Forbes

        Zain Group, a leading mobile technology innovator in seven market
        across the Middle East and Africa was included in the global list of
        "Best Employers" compiled by the renowned Forbes magazine. Zain
        was identified as the Best Employer in Kuwait as well as one of the
        top-10 employers across the entire Middle East. Forbes compiled
        its  sixth annual World’s Best  Employers list,  surveying  150,000
        full-time  and  part-time  workers  from 57  countries, employed  by
        multinational  companies  and  institutions  to determine  which
        ones excel in areas including corporate impact and image; talent
        development; gender equality; and social responsibility. Along with
        higher  salaries,  better  benefits  and  advancement  opportunities,
        and work/life balance, employees say purpose-driven work is a top
        priority. Survey participants were asked to rate their willingness to
        recommend their employers to friends and family and to evaluate
        other employers in their respective industries that stood out either
        positively or negatively. This year’s list comprises 800 companies
        that  received  the  highest  scores.  Multiple  Human  Resources
        initiatives including talent development, as well as Sustainability,
        and Diversity and Inclusion programs remain strategic focus areas
        in Zain’s work culture, as they are part of the company’s ethical
        commitment to aligning with the UN’s Sustainable Development
        Goals to create positive economic, social, and governance impacts
        in  the  communities  Zain  serves  and  beyond.  Bader  Al-Kharafi,
        Zain Vice-Chairman and Group CEO commented, "As a purpose-
        driven technology leader in the region, our contribution to digital
        transformation, talent  development,  and  proactive  workplace
        initiatives  are  key to better  customer experience  and  socio-
        economic progress.  Embedding  sustainability  and  meaningful
        connectivity in every aspect of our business, Zain is dedicated to
        its  ‘4Sight’  strategy  of working consistently  towards  developing
        the mobile telecommunications and ICT ecosystem centered on   Infrastructure, including ZainTech, Data centers and Tower entities,
        a  vision  of diversity  and  inclusive  development,  aligning  to  the   as well as in 4G, 5G, and FTTH networks to offer more innovative
        aim of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals of leaving no one   customer-focused, and B2B services to government, business, IoT,
        behind.” Al-Kharafi added, “As we continue to grow and adapt to   and smart city sectors, bolstering the digital economy. Moreover,
        foster a diverse and inclusive workforce, Zain has always insisted   the Group API platform, ‘Dizlee’, continues to grow exponentially,
        that  its  people  are  the  company's  greatest  single  differentiator,   offering rich entertainment content and gaming, with Zain making
        and we take pride in our ongoing efforts to support and empower   substantial  progress  in  various  fintech  and  esports  services.
        our employees. Our Diversity and Inclusion program has become   Human Rights: Since inception, Zain has been deeply committed
        a key part of the fabric of the company. Transforming how we hire,   to the basic principles of human rights, respect for the rule of law
        plan  for  succession,  and  develop  our people  ultimately  creates   and  the  well-being  of society, making  it  an  employer of choice.
        a  vibrant  and  inclusive  culture  that  values  employees’  unique   Conducting business in a fair, transparent, and equitable manner,
        abilities  and  contributions.”  Zain’s  highly  impactful, and  often   and proactively engaging with various stakeholders, the Board of
        pioneering  employee-focused initiatives  motivating  its  people   Directors recognizes it has the responsibility to uphold respect for
        include:  D&I:  Zain's  Diversity  and  Inclusion  program has  proven   human rights and contribute towards positive systemic change in
        extremely successful in motivating employees as one of the most   the  communities  in  which  the  company operates.  Notably,  Zain
        progressive initiatives of any entity in the region, with programs   tracks the effectiveness of its policies through engaging frequently
        focusing on WE,  Zain’s  gender  diversity  initiative; WE ABLE, the   with  employees,  suppliers,  the  general  public  and  third-parties
        disability inclusive program; ZY, the youth development program;   likely  to be affected  by such procedures,  as  well  as  ensuring
        ZAINIAC, the internal innovation drive; BE WELL, the mental health   mandatory compliance  with  the  Zain  Group Supplier Code of
        program and Reach, the mentoring initiative. The overall program   Conduct throughout its  ecosystem.  The  many purpose-driven
        demonstrates  Zain’s  company  values  and  increases  employee   programs  implemented  across  all  facets  of Zain’s  day-to-day
        engagement and creativity, bringing it closer to all stakeholders.   business operations are positively impacting the level of employee
        Digital Innovation: Zain's strategy of digital transformation is based   satisfaction  and attracting  high  caliber  talent  to the  company
        on  investing  in  new  business  verticals  such  as  ICT  and  Digital   across its footprint.

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