Page 19 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2022
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development plans, leading to the success
of the business sector, in accordance with
best professional practices. The internal
audit annual conference is a large gathering
for Saudi and non-Saudi professionals
interested in the field of internal auditing
in KSA. A group of local and international
leaders and experts meet during the
conference to discuss the most important
challenges facing the internal auditing
profession, and the best professional
solutions and practices in the field of
internal auditing. The conference also
highlighted the rapid changes that the world
is experiencing today, the new governance
challenges, risks, and compliances,
as well as the role of regulators in
supporting internal auditors and preparing
them for further development plans.
stc Secures All Spectrum in CST’s 2100MHz NTN Auction
Saudi Arabia’s Communications, Space after a total of 32 bidding rounds. The two to Ground (A2G) network covering the air
and Technology Commission (CST) has available spectrum blocks (1980MHz- routes in the Kingdom with internet services,
announced that it has completed its 2010MHz/2170MHz-2200MHz) were as well as to provide mobile satellite
2100MHz spectrum auction for non- secured by Saudi Telecom Company (stc); services (MSS) across the Kingdom.
terrestrial networks (NTN) technologies, the company will be required to build an Air