Page 99 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
P. 99


        Arcep Concludes Examination of 5G Applications in Reunion, Mayotte

        The Authority of Regulation for Electronic Communications and   phase for the allocation of two blocks of 2×5MHz spectrum still
        Posts (Autorite de Regulation des Communications Electroniques   available in the 700MHz  band. In Mayotte, meanwhile,  Orange,
        et des Postes, Arcep) has concluded the examination phase of   SFR Mayotte, Telco OI Mayotte and Maore Mobile have qualified
        its  procedure  to  award  5G  spectrum in  the French  overseas   for the 700MHz  allocation procedure, with each  set to obtain
        territories of Reunion and Mayotte. The process was kickstarted   2×5MHz in the band. Maore Mobile and Telco OI Mayotte have
        on 3  August 2021  and the deadline  for applications  was  12   also qualified for 900MHz spectrum. Maore Mobile also obtained
        October. In Reunion the watchdog has received bids from Orange,   1.6MHz duplex in the 900MHz band as part of the 5MHz duplex
        Societe  Reunionnaise du Radiotelephone  (SFR Reunion),  Telco   block building phase in the 900MHz band. The watchdog expects
        OI  (Free Reunion)  and Zeop  Mobile. The  regulator  said that all   to hand over the frequency authorizations by March 2022.
        four companies are qualified to receive spectrum in the 700MHz
        and 3.4GHz-3.8GHz bands. Orange, SFR and Telco OI would be
        awarded 100MHz each in the 3.4GHz-3.8GHz band, while Zeop
        Mobile would receive 80MHz. Regarding the 700MHz band, the four
        candidates  have  subscribed  to  the four commitments  provided
        for in the specifications and will be able to obtain, at the end of
        this procedure, a  block of 2×5MHz  spectrum  each. Further, the
        four companies are also authorized to participate in the auction

                                             Open Fiber Sale Approved by EC

                                             The  European  Commission  has approved   (CDP) is increasing its stake by 10% to 60%.
                                             the sale of a 50% stake in Italian wholesale   The 50%  holding was  offloaded  by  Open
                                             telco Open Fiber. Australian infrastructure   Fiber’s founding shareholder, utility group
                                             investment  firm  Macquarie  has  been   Enel. EC regulators said the deal would not
                                             cleared  to acquire a 40% interest, while   raise competition concerns.
                                             Italy’s state lender Cassa Depositi e Prestiti

        EC  Preliminary  Assessment  Highlights  Competition  Concerns  in  Czech


        The  European  Commission  (EC) has   the TFEU by their effects. The Commission   to  financial  disincentives  as  well  as
        published  its  initial  assessment  in  Case   considers that the NSAs (together with the   information exchange’,  in  turn potentially
        AT.40305  ‘Network Sharing  – Czech   MNSA), considered in their specific market   affecting  T-Mobile  and O2’s  ‘ability  and
        Republic’ concluding  that, after careful   context, reduce the Sharing Parties’ ability   incentive’ to compete in both the retail and
        analysis, it has  concerns  over the   and incentives to unilaterally invest in   wholesale segments. To address the EC’s
        compatibility  of the  horizontal network   network infrastructure and therefore   competition concerns, the parties involved
        sharing agreements (NSAs) concluded   may  negatively affect the ability and   have reportedly offered to: modernize the
        between T-Mobile Czech Republic and O2   incentives of T-Mobile and O2 to compete   mobile  network;  to set and review the
        Czech  Republic  and Czech  infrastructure   on the retail  and wholesale markets  for   financial conditions for unilateral network
        provider CETIN,  and the Mobile Network   mobile  telecommunications  services in   deployments;  to improve the NSAs
        Services Agreement (MNSA) between    Czechia.’ The EC went on to say that the   contractual provisions to limit information
        O2 CR and CETIN, that they hamper    effect of the NSAs was to limit the rollout   exchange; and to implement measures to
        competition in breach of Article 101 of the   of  2100MHz  capacity  in  the east  of  the   the MNSA to prevent information leakage
        TFEU and Article 53 of the EEA Agreement.   country by T-Mobile, as well as restricting   between  the  companies. Having invited
        In a filing, the agency noted: ‘According to   the partners’ ‘individual flexibility’  to   comments on the proposed commitments,
        the Commission’s preliminary assessment,   deploy  1800MHz  band services.  It  also   the Commission will now assess whether
        the NSAs, as well as the MNSA, may restrict   led to disincentives in terms of ‘unilateral   the commitments address its competition
        competition in violation of Article 101(1) of   network deployments of any  type due   concerns.

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