Page 97 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
P. 97


        NTA to Slash Mobile Interconnection Charges

        NTA    is   planning  on    slashing  one  to another  mobile  network in Nepal.   other networks  are Rs.2.00.  The charge
        interconnection  charges  on  phone  calls.   NTA  has  now  fixed  the  charges  at  0.10   for NTC postpaid on outgoing calls is
        The  telecom  authority  is implementing   paisa  per  minute.  After this  implements,   Rs.1.50  paisa  per  minute (excl.  taxes).
        “Nepal Interconnection  Guidelines 2076”   the interconnection calls  would drop by   With the Interconnection  076 Guidelines,
        from Magh 1 that will see the service fees   0.44  paisa when  a call is made between   these off-net call charges will come down
        reduced by 0.44 paisa. Interconnection fees   Nepali telcos. This includes  calls  among   to Rs.1.56 for prepaid  and Rs.1.06  paisa
        are a type of charge one mobile company   Nepal Telecom  (NTC), Ncell, and Smart   on postpaid SIM  cards.  Meanwhile, the
        pays to another when a call is established   Cell. The slashed interconnection charges   guidelines  also  make  changes  to  Ncell’s
        between two separate networks. NTA made   will apply from Magh 1 onwards. This shall   off-net call  charges. Previously, outgoing
        the decision  to drop the interconnection   reduce  the costs  of off-net mobile calls   calls charges from Ncell  to other mobile
        charges on calls after its board meeting on   on both  prepaid  and post-paid  services.   networks were  Rs.1.99.  This  will  drop to
        Kartik 29. Previously, the telecom operators   Currently, the  inter-operator  call charges   Rs.1.55  paisa  after  NTA  implements the
        paid 0.54 paisa when a call was made from   on outgoing  calls from NTC prepaid  to   new costs policy.  Smart  Cell’s  present
                                                                                 off-net call costs  of Rs.1.92  will  also
                                                                                 come down to Rs.1.48 after the new tariff
                                                                                 sets in.  The  revised interconnections
                                                                                 charges were about  to implement from
                                                                                 Chaitra 2076.  The subsequent  effects on
                                                                                 telcos’  incomes  derailed  it’s coming into
                                                                                 effect. The  COVID-19 had also subdued
                                                                                 its  applications.  Now,  NTA  is  strictly
                                                                                 demanding  that the  telcos  comply  with
                                                                                 the new  tariffs.  The charges will  enforce
                                                                                 on domestic interconnection  calls  only.
                                                                                 NTA says it will revise the interconnection
                                                                                 charges on international  calls  after
                                                                                 studying COVID-19’s effects on telcos and
                                                                                 their income profiles.

        Nkom Proposes Updated Legislation Relating to Telenor’s Copper Network
        Shutdown Plans

        Norway’s  National  Communications Au-  it  encounters matters  beyond its  control,   access to Telenor’s copper network to its
        thority (Nkom)  has  unveiled proposed   for example where a construction project   own.’ As such, the newly-proposed regu-
        changes  to  legislation  related  to  fixed   by another company requires existing cop-  lation stresses that Telenor has a duty to
        line incumbent  Telenor  Norge’s planned   per lines to be removed or rerouted. How-  maintain  wholesale  customers’  access,
        switch-off of its  legacy copper  network.   ever, according to the regulator, the current   even in those instances where the copper
        With the watchdog claiming its proposals   system ‘partly  undermines’  the purpose   network owner encounters issues outside
        are designed to ensure competition in the   behind its existing copper shutdown rules,   of its control. Meanwhile, Nkom has said
        fixed broadband sector during the transi-  with Nkom’s  competition  department di-  it  will  continue  to  allow  Telenor  freedom
        tion to more modern access technologies,   rector, Hans  Jorgen  Enger, saying:  ‘The   of choice with regards to what technolo-
        it has set a deadline of 6 December 2021   extent of  copper  closures appears  to  be   gies can be offered in place of the legacy
        for comments from interested parties. In a   high, and closures are notified to Telenor’s   copper  infrastructure, with  these includ-
        press release regarding the matter, Nkom   wholesale customers with short deadlines   ing both fibre-based broadband and fixed
        noted that it has already directed Telenor   and little information … We therefore be-  wireless broadband. Finally, the watchdog
        to maintain access to its  copper  infra-  lieve that the current regulation related to   has said its new proposals emphasize that
        structure until September 2025. Under ex-  “matters beyond Telenor’s control”,  does   wholesale customers should be more in-
        isting regulations, the watchdog notes, the   not sufficiently address the consideration   volved  in the  copper  network  shutdown
        operator does have scope to close its cop-  of predictable access  to the copper  net-  process  and  be  provided  with  ‘sufficient
        per network before September 2025 where   work  for  companies that  buy and resell   and timely’ information.

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