Page 50 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
P. 50


        Arab Countries Urged to Take Advantage of Digital Technology in Developing

        Cultural Policies

        Organized by  the Ministry  of Culture and   introduce it to the cultural entities in their   all  aspects  related  to  its  fields  of  work.”
        Youth along with  Arab League Cultural,   respective countries to action the plan.   She added: “I must mention the Ministers’
        Educational  and  Scientific  Organization   They stressed  that the cultural projects   conversation with  Arab Youth, it’s  an
        (ALECSO), the conference  concluded.   approved in  this  session will  contribute   important example of what communication
        Several key takeaways for the development   to  achieving cultural  integration  among   between  decisionmakers  and our target
        of Arab culture were made during  the   Arab countries.  The  conference  urged   groups can achieve in the cultural sector.”
        two-day conference. The event hosted 18   Arab countries to take advantage of digital   The signing of the UAE  Declaration for
        ministers in-charge of cultural affairs  in   technology in developing cultural policies   the  Arabic  Language  launched by His
        various Arab countries, the director-general   in various countries to protect individuals   Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid
        of ALECSO, more than 88 delegations with   and  entities  operating  in  the  field  from   Al  Maktoum, Vice-President  and Prime
        representatives  of  intergovernmental  crises. The 22nd session of the conference   Minister  of  the UAE  and  the  Ruler of
        organizations,  and  key  figures  from  the   was  based on a  number  of topics, most   Dubai, is  an important  landmark,  said
        Arab world at  Expo 2020  Dubai.  Arab   notably the Status and the Future report of   Al  Kaabi.  Dr.  Mohammed Ould Amar,
        leaders and the heads of delegations   the Arabic language issued by the ministry   Director-General  of ALECSO,  said: “We
        presented  the  strategic  directions  in partnership with the Advisory Council on   opened  a  new  phase  of  work  in  the  field
        that  countries should adopt in a  post-  Arabic Language; and discussed ways of   of culture in Arab countries thanks to the
        pandemic  world.  They  stressed the need   cooperation to launch new projects in the   updated plan for Arab culture, and thanks
        for activating joint Arab cultural  projects   fields of culture, heritage and development   to  joint  Arab cultural  projects  that  will
        to strengthen Arab identity and protect the   of Arabic.  On  the concluding  day  of the   strengthen our cooperation. The plan will
        younger  generations  from falling prey to   conference the delegates welcomed Saudi   provide the necessary support to cultural
        extremism. The conference also discussed   Arabia's request to host the 23rd session   institutions  in many areas and give Arab
        ways  to strengthen  Arab cultural  unity   of the conference in 2022. The discussions   states the  opportunity to be  at par with
        and ensuring  its  sustainability  through   of the 22nd session reviewed and updated   other  countries  in the upcoming  regional
        building inclusive societies. “The need for   the draft of the comprehensive plan for   and international events.” He pointed out
        Arab culture to be open to other cultures of   Arab culture. The decisions were based on   that  the  22nd session of the Conference
        the world and contribute to forging human   an analytical review of the most important   of Arab Culture Ministers  is  part  of the
        connections globally,” said a press release   developments  of the Arab cultural  scene   framework of cooperation  between the
        from the Ministry  of Culture.  It  was  also   in past 20 years.  The  discussions also   UAE Ministry of Culture and Youth ALECSO
        recommended  that Arab countries must   covered the political, economic and social   and implements the decision  of  the 21st
        work on implementing  the outcomes  of   repercussions  of these events and the   session of the conference which included
        the review of the comprehensive plan for   challenges  that the Arab world is  facing   a number of decisions such as the areas
        Arab culture and use it to develop national   today. Noura bint Mohammed Al Kaabi, UAE   of join Arab cultural work, opening up new
        strategies for cultural development and   Minister of Culture and Youth and chair of   horizons to develop cultural projects that
        joint cooperation. They called for organizing   the 22nd session of the Conference of Arab   promote Arab culture in the region as well
        workshops  and meetings  to present  the   Culture Ministers, said: “The  UAE is keen   as globally.
        comprehensive plan for Arab culture and   on strategic  cooperation  with ALECSO in

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