Page 49 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
P. 49


        Ericsson Mulls Investing in Pakistan

        Telecom firm Ericsson has shown interest   opportunities for engineers in the country.   with the vision of digital Pakistan.” Ekow
        to enhance  investment in Pakistan  by   “Ericsson is committed to expansion and   Nelson,  head  of global customer unit at
        deploying advanced  networks as  well as   diversification  to  bring  investment  and   Ericsson  Middle East  & Africa, said this
        scaling up its nearshore center to create job   the best  technology to  Pakistan  in line   in a meeting with IT and telecom ministry
                                                                                 of Pakistan. The meeting held to discuss
                                                                                 digitalization, skill  development,  and
                                                                                 training for engineers in the country. "The
                                                                                 successful  meeting with  the ministry  is
                                                                                 promising  and we are looking  forward to
                                                                                 the future of technological  advancement
                                                                                 in the country." Speaking on the occasion,
                                                                                 federal  minister for IT and telecom,  Syed
                                                                                 Amin ul Haque said 'strong' measures were
                                                                                 underway  for connectivity  in urban and
                                                                                 rural areas of the country. He was of the
                                                                                 opinion  that  Pakistan  is  a  mega-market
                                                                                 of technology and there is great potential
                                                                                 in the youth. Meanwhile, secretary  IT
                                                                                 and telecom  discussed  regulatory  and
                                                                                 financial business models and policies for
                                                                                 ease of conducting business. The member
                                                                                 telecom  briefed about the investment
                                                                                 areas of technological  advancement  and
                                                                                 the telecoms’ ecosystem in the country.

        UAE Trade Connect Crosses AED10 billion Milestone

        Etisalat  Digital’s blockchain  arm UAE   mark represents a landmark achievement   and  Artificial  Intelligence.  Launched
        Trade Connect  (UTC) has crossed the   for this nationwide platform that is aligned   commercially on 19th April 2021, the
        milestone  of handling  invoices worth   with the UAE government’s vision to bring   platform was co-created by Etisalat Digital
        AED10 billion within its first eight months   futuristic technologies such as blockchain   along with  seven  leading UAE  banks  and
        of operation. This amount represents   and is set to be another  enabler  for   initially  ideated  by First  Abu  Dhabi Bank.
        the value of invoices  presented  by   economic growth.” UTC is a first of its kind   Several other banks are currently piloting
        member  banks into  the  UTC system for   nationwide trade finance platform built on   the platform and have expressed an
        fraud  analysis  and  duplicate  financing   advanced technologies, namely blockchain   interest in joining the consortium in 2022.
        checks  The  consortium banks include
        Commercial Bank of Dubai,  Commercial
        Bank International, EmiratesNBD, First Abu
        Dhabi Bank, Mashreq Bank, National Bank
        of Fujairah, and National  Bank  of Ras  Al
        Khaimah.  The Central Bank  of UAE  is  an
        observing member  of the  UTC Steering
        Committee. Zul Javaid, CEO of UAE Trade
        Connect, commented: “UTC is recognized
        as one of the most successful blockchain-
        led  use  cases that actually solves real-
        world problems.  We are pleased  to
        announce that in just a few months since
        UTC’s launch, our consortium banks have
        performed their invoice-level due diligence
        in  real  time.  Crossing the AED10  billion

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