Page 16 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
P. 16


        stc Awarded for Its Best Internal Application Across the Middle East

        stc  was  awarded  the  first  place  in  the   operations. stc's win reflects the excellence   in human  resource management by
        enterprise  agility  award 2021  for  its  best   of the internal  work environment, which   providing a  flexible and innovative digital
        application that  provides solutions for   aims  to  make the group a  "model of   experience  for employees,  which  is
        companies, for the internal communication   excellence"  in its  internal applications   reflected  in enhancing  their productivity.
        application  “HUB” during  the awards
        ceremony that was held recently in Dubai.
        stc’s  HUB  application was  crowned
        the  first  place  as  the  best  internal
        communication application, achieving the
        diamond plate of the Entrepreneur award
        2021,  after competing with  a  number of
        competing applications from international
        companies  in  the Middle East.  The
        competition  revolved  around  the  most
        suitable applications for work environment
        that require diversity in the characteristics
        of its internal applications and the speed
        of its renewed response to provide a digital
        communication  environment. The HUB
        application is designed internally with the
        best international  practices  that  provide
        various services to employees, including
        employee self-service, task  management
        and follow-up, and human  resource

                                             Etisalat Making Global Strides in 5G

        Etisalat  has made  global  strides in 5G   and to ‘Drive the digital future to empower   racing track  with 5G  connectivity.  Today
        by  setting a  benchmark right  from the   societies’  have led to investments in   Etisalat  has set benchmarks  for the
        launch of the network to the services with   superior  and state-of-the-art  technology   industry  backed by  the infrastructure
        its  infrastructure ready to support all  5G   solutions on the network. With a landmark   accomplishments  made in the past that
        devices and future  solutions backed by   achievement  in speed,  Etisalat offers   have complemented  the 5G  network.
        the continuous investments in technology   consumers  the world’s  fastest 5G   Etisalat took the lead in the launch of 5G
        and innovation on the network enabling   download  speed  of 9.1Gbps. This is a   in the MENA region targeting opportunities
        superior  5G connectivity.  The  continuous   result of building a robust  network that   to maximize value from the delivery  of
        support  and wise  leadership  of  the UAE   empowered this leap in the 5G era to offer   end-to-end 5G enabled solutions. Etisalat
        celebrating its golden jubilee this year has   a speed 30 times faster than a 4G average   has continuously engaged  with relevant
        played a critical role throughout Etisalat's   throughput.  This  had  a  significant  and   stakeholders to deploy and monetize from
        journey and the development  of the   profound change on individuals, industries,   the 5G  network while at  the same  time
        telecom sector, setting a great motivation   society  and the economy, transforming   testing and exploring  new 5G use cases
        for Etisalat to continue deploying the latest   how we live and work.  5G has  all  the   for the government, business and different
        innovative technologies  and enriching   capabilities to enable industries break any   industries.
        the digital experience of customers while   barriers in  embracing and accelerating   Etisalat’s journey towards 5G
        transforming  communities. Etisalat  has   their own digitalization journey.  Etisalat   Etisalat embarked on its 5G journey in 2014
        built thousands of 5G sites until today to   has  set  milestones all  the way,  from   when it  started constructing  the network
        enable 5G  coverage across  the country.   making  the  first  live  5G  video  call  from   with  a  dedicated team of engineers  and
        The network  was  ready to  provide the   the  world’s tallest and iconic  tower  ‘Burj   specialists to build  one  of the  most
        service as soon as the 5G mobile handsets   Khalifa’ to  becoming  the  first operator  to   advanced networks in the region. In 2016,
        were available in UAE. Our management’s   enable a metro station, transform a smart   Etisalat Group signed a premier partnership
        strategy to  focus  on digital  innovation   district to empowering  an  international   deal with Expo 2020 Dubai, the first major

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