Page 76 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
P. 76



        Connecting Remote Assets in IoT Networks

        Simple, affordable satellite communications extend IoT networks to

        remote assets

           Connectivity was not always within reach
           for every  enterprise  – until  now. In 2019,
           Eutelsat, one of the world’s leading satellite
           operators, entered the satellite IoT  market,
           proposing  a portfolio  of satellite  IoT
           offerings,  with  new  satellite  technologies

           to  extend  the  coverage  of  terrestrial  IoT

        Across all industries, enterprises are fast harnessing the power of
        the Internet of Things (IoT) and billions of remote assets will soon
        be connected to increase productivity, reduce costs, and create
        new  revenue  streams,  in  ways  previously  unthinkable.  From
        industrial applications, like the monitoring of power plants and oil
        and gas pipelines, to Smart Cities, farming, point-of-sales, and the
        latest security solutions; from highly valuable industrial assets to
        the smallest devices - data will power the world of tomorrow.

        Today, however, many enterprises don’t have access to a global,
        reliable IoT connectivity service. They are unable to reach remote
        assets  due  to  insufficient  coverage,  or  prohibitively  expensive   Luc PERARD
        solutions.  Terrestrial  networks  only  cover  15%  of  the  Earth’s   SVP IoT Business
        surface, albeit 50% of the land mass. While this is acceptable for   Eutelsat
        consumer  voice  and  data  requirements,  it’s  far  from  sufficient
        for  objects  in  remote  environments.  Satellite  technology  is
        the  ideal  complement  to  terrestrial  IoT  networks,  providing  a
        truly ubiquitous coverage, however previous solutions were too
        expensive and complex to deploy.

        Connectivity was not always within reach for every enterprise –
        until now. In 2019, Eutelsat, one of the world’s leading satellite
        operators, entered the satellite IoT  market, proposing a portfolio
        of satellite IoT offerings, with new satellite technologies to extend
        the coverage of terrestrial IoT networks.

                                                                                                    76  NOVEMBER 2019
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81