Page 79 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
P. 79


                                                SATELLITE NEWS

        Egypt’s First Telecoms Satellite Tiba-1 Arrives at Orbit

        Egypt’s  newly  launched  satellite  Tiba-  designed  and  built  the  communications   was manufactured in cooperation between
        1  has  arrived  at  its  targeted  orbit,  at  an   payload,  which  will  provide  broadband   Egypt’s  National  Authority  for  Remote
        altitude of 35,786 kilometres, a specialist   communications in ka band. Tiba-1 is the   Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS) and
        at  the  International  Telecommunication   fourth satellite launched by Arianespace for   Ukraine’s  Yuzhnoye  State  Design  Office.
        Union (ITU) said. The telecommunications   Egypt. Egypt became the first Arab country   In  February  2019,  EgyptSat  A,  a  remote-
        satellite  was  launched  last  Tuesday   to put a telecommunications satellite into   sensing  satellite,  was  launched  from
        from  a  space  center  in  French  Guiana  in   space  with  the  launch  of  NileSat  101  in   the  Russian  Baikonur  Cosmodrome,  a
        South  America.  “The  French  company   1998.  It  was  followed  in  2000  by  Nilesat   spaceport in Kazakhstan leased to Russia.
        [Arianespace]  is  currently  working  on   102,  which  helped  distribute  hundreds   The satellite replaced the former satellite
        adjustment  to  locate  the  satellite  into  its   of  satellite  TV  channels.  In  2007,  Egypt   EgyptSat  2,  which  was  launched  in  April
        exact orbital slot position at 35.5 degrees   launched  EgyptSat  1,  which  became  the   2014  and  lost  in  February  2015,  and  is
        to  the  East,  which  will  take  a  few  days   first Egyptian remote-sensing satellite, and   Egypt’s third remote-sensing satellite.
        since  this  position  is  jammed  with  other
        satellites,”  ITU  specialist  Rami  Ahmed
        Fathy said. Launched by an Ariane 5 rocket,
        Egypt’s  first  telecommunication  satellite
        was  initially  scheduled  to  launch  last
        November, but the launch was postponed
        twice due to a malfunction followed by bad
        weather conditions. Tiba-1 will cover all of
        Egypt and provide telecommunication and
        internet  services  to  remote  and  isolated
        areas. It was developed by Thales Alenia
        Space  and  Airbus  Defence  and  Space  as
        co-prime  contractors.  It  will  be  owned
        and operated by the government of Egypt.
        Airbus  Defence  and  Space  supplied  the
        platform  and  also  assembled  and  tested
        the  spacecraft.  Thales  Alenia  Space

        Brazil and China to Launch Satellite Created in Collaboration

        The  CBERS-4A  satellite,  created  in   Launch  Base,  about  500  kilometers  from   both  countries  to  master  the  technology
        collaboration between Brazil and China, will   Beijing, by a Chinese rocket. According to   of  remote  surveillance  with  cameras  and
        be launched on December 17, according to   the National Institute for Space Research,   sensors  for  Earth  observation.  Such  an
        the National Institute for Space Research.   the  device  went  through  a  series  of   initiative, which offers free satellite images
        This  sixth  remote  sensing  satellite   assembly, integration and testing activities   to different countries in Latin America and
        developed  and  manufactured  by  the  two   in  its  laboratories  during  the  18  months   Africa,  is  considered  the  greatest  spatial
        countries  has  been  tested  since  May  at   it  was  in  Brazil.  The  so-called  China/  cooperation  project  among  developing
        the  Laboratory  of  the  China  Academy  of   Brazil  Earth  Resources  Satellite  program   countries.
        Space  Technology  (CAST).  The  satellite   (CBERS)  is  a  joint  project  initiated  more
        will  be  put  into  orbit  from  the  Taiyuan   than  two  decades  ago  that  has  allowed

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