Page 72 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
P. 72


        Egypt,  Kuwait’s  Sign  MoU  on  Smart  City  Tech-                       State  Minister  for  Military  Production
                                                                                  Mohamed  Saeed  el  Assar  witnessed  the
        nology Cooperation                                                        signing  ceremony  of  a  memorandum
                                                                                  of  understanding  (MoU)  with  Kuwait’s
                                                                                  MEASC Safe Smart Cities. The MoU aims
                                                                                  to develop a framework for joint projects,
                                                                                  to  be  carried  out  between  both  sides  to
                                                                                  transfer  the  technology  of  smart  cities
                                                                                  to  Egypt  in  the  coming  period.  Under
                                                                                  the  agreement,  both  sides  are  set  to
                                                                                  cooperate  to  implement  joint  projects  to
                                                                                  develop intelligent transportation systems
                                                                                  and  establish  a  smart  logistic  services
                                                                                  center,  among  others.  The  MoU  is  part
                                                                                  of  the  Egyptian  state’s  ambitious  plan  to
                                                                                  develop smart cities in terms of economic
                                                                                  development  achieved  in  Egypt.  MEASC
                                                                                  Chairman   Abdulmohsen   Al-Babtain
                                                                                  praised   the   Egyptian   government’s
                                                                                  intention  to  adopt  the  establishment  of
                                                                                  new smart cities under its plan for digital

        5G, AI and Cloud ‘Bahrain Digital Hub’s Vital Pillars’

        Huawei  Middle  East  president  Charles   ecosystem  development  and  nurturing   Support ICT Talent Development:
        Yang  highlighted  the  company’s  unique   local  talent  were  highlighted  as  top   ICT talent is crucial for creating future jobs
        contributions  in  Bahrain  throughout  the   priorities:                and  supporting  sustainable  development
        past 15 years and stressed the company’s   Build  Bahrain  as  a  safe,  efficient  and   in  realizing  the  national  vision.  Huawei
        commitment and promise of ‘In Bahrain, for   intelligent kingdom:        has  led  various  initiatives  within  Bahrain
        Bahrain’.  The  celebration  was  held  under   As an industry pioneer, today Huawei is at   to  support  the  next  generation  of  ICT
        the  patronage  of  Deputy  Prime  Minister   the forefront of innovation and is a leading   talent, including Seeds for the Future talent
        and  Supreme  Committee  for  Information   provider of safe city solutions globally. So   development  program,  ICT  Competition,
        and Communication Technology chairman   far, Huawei has supported over 700 cities   and  various  work-readiness  initiatives
        Shaikh Mohammed bin Mubarak Al Khalifa.   in  more  than  100  countries  around  the   run  in  partnership  with  the  Labor  Fund
        Also present were Deputy Prime Ministers   world to build safe cities. The company is   ‘Tamkeen’. According to Mr. Yang, nurturing
        Shaikh  Khalid  bin  Abdulla  Al  Khalifa  and   committed  to  working  together  with  the   talented young Bahrainis and empowering
        Jawad  Al  Arrayedh,  other  ministers  and   government  to  help  Bahrain  in  building   them  with  the  skills  required  to  carry  on
        senior  business  executives  in  Bahrain.   a  safe,  efficient  and  intelligent  kingdom   their country’s digital legacy is one of our
        “Huawei’s  vision  is  to  bring  digital  to   aligned with the national vision.  key priorities for the future. Huawei plans
        every  person,  home  and  organization   Enable Bahrain to be a global digital hub:  to cultivate more than 100 youth as Huawei
        for  a  fully-connected,  intelligent  world.   5G and AI will enhance the ways in which   Seeds,  cover  800  students  in  the  ICT
        We  are  committed  to  bringing  the  latest   future societies live, work, and interact with   competition,  and  provide  ICT  certification
        technologies and resources to Bahrain, and   the world.                  to more than 2,000 technical talents over
        will  continue  to  invest  in  joint  innovation   In  today’s  digital  economy,  information,   the  next  three  years.  During  the  past  15
        with  our  customers  and  partners  as  well   technology and talent development are the   years,  Huawei  has  made  significant  local
        as local ICT talent development to support   key priorities to realize the full potential of   investments  including  hiring  of  500+
        Economic  Vision  2030,”  said  Mr.  Yang.   digital transformation and create a digital   employees, creating 800+ jobs, developing
        He also addressed the three top areas of   hub. Huawei will continuously support the   50+  local  partners,  cultivating  40+  future
        focus for Huawei’s efforts in enabling the   kingdom to become a digital hub through   talent  seeds,  and  knowledge  transfer  to
        kingdom’s  future  digital  transformation   joint  innovation  projects  that  provide  the   10,000+ trainees.
        –  development  of  key  technologies,  joint   latest and next generation ICT technology.

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