Page 69 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
P. 69


        Saudi ICT Spending to Hit US$2.13 Billion in 2020

        Saudi  Arabia’s  government  organizations   changes  across  government  agencies   the  need  for  a  comprehensive  platform
        are   expected   to   increase   their   can  constrain  opportunities.  Given  that   that addresses the various aspects of DX
        2020  spending  on  information  and   the  Saudi  government  is  at  the  forefront   in government is more pressing than ever
        communication  technologies  (ICT) by 6.1   of  driving  DX  in  the  Kingdom  as  part  of   before,” he added.
        percent compared to the anticipated spend   its ambitious Saudi Vision 2030 initiative,
        for  2019,  International  Data  Corporation
        (IDC) said. The global technology research
        and consulting services firm also expects
        government ICT spending in the kingdom
        to increase at a compound annual growth
        rate (CAGR) of 6.4 percent over the 2018–
        2023  period,  outperforming  the  overall
        enterprise  market’s  CAGR  of  4.7  percent.
        “As  the  Kingdom  continues  to  pursue
        the  goals  of  its  National  Transformation
        Program (NTP), much of the government’s
        ICT spending focus will be directed towards
        digital  transformation  (DX)  enabling
        technologies,”  says  Massimiliano  Claps,
        IDC’s  Research  Director  for  Government
        Insights  across  Europe,  the  Middle  East,
        and Africa. “In this era of rapid evolution,
        pressures  on  resources  and  structural

        TRA Bahrain Organizes 5G Network Training Session

        The   Telecommunications   Regulatory   Fourth  National  Telecoms  Plan  (NTP4).   telecommunications  networks.  The  5G
        Authority  (TRA),  in  collaboration  with   Among the subjects discussed in the panel   age in Bahrain is inevitable as companies
        Huawei, Ericsson & the GSM Association,   and  workshop  was  5G  motivation  and   are working to phase out the next level of
        held  a  5G  network  training  session  for   developments  in  the  market,  5G  network   technology  nationally.  TRA  says  mobile
        telecom  service  providers,  government   architecture  and  key  technologies,  as   service  carriers  began  deploying  5G
        officials  and  business  leaders  in  the   well  as  presenting  recent  use  cases  for   towers as early as July 2019, rendering the
        Kingdom of Bahrain on November 26. The   5G  and  international  best  practices.  It   Kingdom a leader in implementing 5G not
        event  aims  at  raising  awareness  of  the   also addressed the key challenges facing   only in the country, but worldwide.
        next wave of 5G technology and cultivating   the  sector,  including  the  procedures
        local ICT talent under the umbrella of the   needed  to  embrace  the  Kingdom’s

        Saudi Arabia Ranks Third for Competitiveness in MENA

        King  Salman’s  Vision  2030  and  the  eco-  their economy away from oil, the structur-  to  adapt  to  digital  technologies.  Creating
        nomic and social reforms that the Kingdom   al  transformation  is  most  evident  in  the   opportunity for foreign investors to expand
        has implemented in the last few years have   ICT adoption pillar, improving by 16 posi-  into  the  Kingdom  and  allowing  the  mar-
        had monumental effects on the market. It   tions. This is primarily due to a sweeping   ket  to  evolve  into  a  diverse  and  dynamic
        has improved its’ competitiveness, access   adoption of broadband and internet users   economy. The Saudi government are con-
        to  the  market  and  opened  opportunities   around the country. Leading to an increase   tinually improving conditions of the Saudi
        for foreign investors and innovation in the   in innovation capability, number of patent   market to attract foreign investors into the
        Kingdom.  These  changes  helped  moved   applications and expenditure on research   Kingdom and boost the economy. Evident-
        Saudi Arabia up 3 positions globally, who   and development. As e-commerce and fin-  ly, their efforts are producing positive re-
        now sits in 36th place for global competi-  tech grows in the Kingdom, it placed Saudi   sults which we see has drawn numbers of
        tiveness, and third in the MENA region. As   in third place among G20 countries for IT   foreign investors into the Kingdom.
        the Saudi government continue to diversify   governance, defined as a country’s ability
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