Page 65 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
P. 65


        TRA Bahrain Attends UAE 5G Conference

        The   Telecommunications   Regulatory   “We  see  more  and  more  use  cases  for   event, Sh. Nasser stated that “Conferences
        Authority of the Kingdom of Bahrain (TRA   5G  every  day  that  justify  the  need  for  its   like these are a vital opportunity to share
        Bahrain) attended a key conference in the   existence  on  both  network  and  service   knowledge  and  experience  in  the  realm
        UAE centered on 5G, where Acting General   levels. Autonomous vehicles, smart grids,   of  5G  with  our  counterparts  in  the  UAE,
        Director  of  TRA  Bahrain,  Shaikh  Nasser   autonomous  farming,  Internet  of  Things.   as well as our counterparts in the rest of
        bin  Mohamed  Al  Khalifa  gave  a  keynote   The  applications  are  endless,  and  the   the  GCC  and  experts  from  all  around  the
        speech on the importance of collaboration   world is exploring them as we speak, at a   world.  It’s  important  to  note  that  5G  is
        in  order  to  realize  the  full  potential  of   rapid pace, I might add. With such powerful   less  about  smartphones  and  more  about
        5G,  and  exploring  use  cases  that  apply   network  capacity  and  speed,  we  have  a   the  many  devices  and  applications  that
        to  the  GCC  and  Arab  region.  The  event   duty to explore use cases that are relevant   smartphones  will  be  connected  to.  The
        was organized by TRA UAE, in Dubai and   to  us  here  in  the  region.”  Said  Shaikh   internet is entering into an age where we
        attended by experts and business leaders.    Nasser in his speech. Commenting on the   will  see  it  come  to  life  in  the  real  world.
                                                                                 If  the  opportunity  is  capitalized  on  by  all
                                                                                 stakeholders,  and  we  all  work  together
                                                                                 towards  that  goal,  the  world  we  know
                                                                                 will  change  within  a  few  short  years.
                                                                                 Bahrain can plant the seeds now to reap
                                                                                 the  benefits  of  that  future.”  TRA  started
                                                                                 its  experience  with  the  5G  technology  in
                                                                                 Bahrain with the allocation of 300MHz of
                                                                                 spectrum  in  the  C-band,  divided  equally
                                                                                 among  mobile  network  operators.  5G
                                                                                 commercial services launched in July this
                                                                                 year,  which  led  to  witnessing  a  surge  in
                                                                                 peak download speeds more than 15 times
                                                                                 faster than 4G.

        Mobile Technologies and Services Adding $191bn a Year of Economic Value
        to Middle East and North Africa

        The GSMA released two new reports at the   forecast  to  reach  more  than  $220  billion   million  IoT  connections  in  MENA  by  the
        annual ‘GSMA Mobile 360 – MENA’ event   as  countries  increasingly  benefit  from   end of 2019, rising to 1.1 billion by 2025.
        happening in Dubai. These reports highlight   the  improvements  in  productivity  and   The  deployment  of  IoT  across  MENA  is
        the positive economic impact of the mobile   efficiency brought about by the increased   expected to add $18 billion to regional GDP
        ecosystem on markets across the Middle   uptake of mobile services, and 5G and IoT   by 2025. “Backed by proactive government
        East  and  North  Africa  (MENA)  region,  as   networks are widely deployed. To date 12   support,  mobile  operators,  particularly
        well  as  the  transformative  impact  of  IoT   operators  have  launched  commercial  5G   in  the  GCC  Arab  States,  have  speedily
        technologies  on  regional  governments’   services  in  five  Gulf  Cooperation  Council   deployed  5G  technology,”  said  Mats
        strategic national visions. The two reports   (GCC)  Arab  States.  Mobile  operators  in   Granryd,  Director  General  of  the  GSMA.
        from  GSMA  Intelligence  –  ‘The  Mobile   these  countries  are  aiming  to  be  global   “Beyond the GCC, the wider MENA region
        Economy:  Middle  East  and  North  Africa   leaders in 5G deployments, supporting the   has  an  opportunity  to  benefit  from  the
        2019’  and  ‘Realizing  the  potential  of  IoT   digital  transformation  ambitions  outlined   technological  developments  delivered  by
        in MENA’ reveal that mobile technologies   in  strategic  national  visions  such  as   5G and IoT. To fully embrace those benefits
        and  services  added  $191  billion  to  the   UAE  Vision  2021  and  Saudi  Vision  2030.   the  region’s  governments  must  support
        region’s  economy  in  2018  –  equivalent   Meanwhile, IoT connections in the MENA   regulatory  frameworks  and  policies  that
        to about 4.5 per cent of regional GDP. By   region are growing at a rate second only to   ensure  5G  flourishes,  including  making
        2023,  mobile’s  economic  contribution  is   Asia-Pacific. There are forecast to be 470   sufficient spectrum available.”

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