Page 61 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
P. 61



        Leaving No-one Behind in Digital Inclusion

           In an intelligent world, the ultimate goal is
           to leave no-one  behind.  Digital  inclusion
           means every  individual  and organization
           can equally access  and  use  information
           and communications technology.

        Our  world  is  rapidly  advancing  as  technology  accelerates  the
        advent  of  the  intelligent  society.  But  while  the  convenience  of
        science and technology propel the evolution of society, it is also
        creating what has become known as a digital gap, which separates
        members of the community who are technologically savvy versus
        those who are less familiar. Bridging this gap by actively pursuing
        digital inclusion is essential in order to create a cohesive society
        in which everyone benefits equally.

        The digital gap is a global phenomenon. In many cities in China,
        elderly people may be unable to hail a taxi on the street because
        taxis  today  are  booked  predominantly  through  mobile  phones.
        Inhabitants  in  the  Comoros  islands,  as  recently  as  two  years
        ago, were isolated from the outside world because they had no
        communications  network.  In  Bangladesh,  women  in  particular
        have limited opportunities to learn about computers.

        As the infrastructure of the intelligent world, the information and
        communications technology (ICT) industry has played a vital role   Charles Yang
        in promoting national economic growth, as well as boosting social   President
        welfare and happiness. ICT can contribute to the realisation of the   Huawei Middle East
        United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), enabling
        humanity  to  address  challenges  such  as  poverty,  inequality,
        climate  change,  environmental  deterioration,  economic  issues,
        and healthcare problems.

        In  an  intelligent  world,  the  ultimate  goal  is  to  leave  no-one
        behind. Digital inclusion means every individual and organization
        can  equally  access  and  use  information  and  communications
        technology. Technology shouldn’t sit in an ivory tower. When it
        is accessible to all, it has the potential to be life-changing; it can
        provide visually impaired children with the joy of endless reading,
        enable  people  to  decipher  the  frequencies  that  whales  sing  to
        their loved ones, and open up whole new worlds of experiences.

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