Page 32 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
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        Huawei Intelligent IP Networks, Accelerating Intelligent Connectivity

        During Huawei Global Analyst Summit 2020, Huawei's "Leading   continuously, proactively increasing investment in super capacity,
        Intelligent IP Networks, Accelerating the Transformation Towards   intelligent experience, and autonomous driving to build end-to-end
        Intelligent  Connectivity" summit was  successfully  held. This   (E2E) intelligent IP networks for customers." Huawei's innovative
        summit shed light on three typical characteristics of intelligent IP   intelligent IP network solution achieves a future-proof integration
        networks: super capacity, intelligent experience, and autonomous   of the three characteristics, and has embraced wide applications
        driving. Besides this, Huawei shared its numerous success stories   in various  scenarios, such as  campus network, data  center
        of intelligent  IP  networks across industries,  signifying  the data   network,  and  wide  area  network  (WAN)  scenarios.  Specifically,
        communications  industry's arrival  in the intelligent  IP  network   this feature-rich solution  is perfectly suited  to building  high-
        era. As 5G, cloud, and AI pick up pace among enterprises of all   quality campus networks. It  adopts Huawei's industry-leading
        sizes, enterprises,  amid  their pursuit for digital transformation,   AirEngine  Wi-Fi  6 that stands out for exclusive 16T16R smart
        are  confronting once-in-a-generation  challenges,  such as   antennas,  delivering  up  to  1.6  Gbps  single-user  performance
        collaboration  between  hundreds of billions  of production  and   (20% higher  than the  industry average).  Another  highlight  of
        office  terminals,  100%  migration  of  enterprise  services  to  the   Huawei's  AirEngine Wi-Fi  6 lies in AI-powered intelligent  radio
        cloud, and 97% AI adoption rate. As a decisive part of enterprises'   calibration that improves the average downlink rate of stations
        digital  transformation, IP  networks are  also  encountering  a   (STAs) by more than 50%. The solution  also employs an AI-
        wide  range  of  issues  typified  by  insufficient  bandwidth,  poor   powered intelligent O&M system that slashes the mean time to
        service  experience,  and  low  efficiency  of  network  O&M  and   repair (MTTR)  from four  hours  to as short as just 10 minutes.
        troubleshooting. Intelligent IP networks are the key to conquering   These  differentiators  significantly  optimize  user  experience,
        such issues. To better understand what kind of network can be   helping build future-proof, fully-wireless, and intelligent campus
        called an intelligent IP network, Huawei took the lead by defining   networks in an extensive range of scenarios, such as Huawei's
        three typical characteristics of such a network:       super-large campus serving 194,000 employees, and the digital
        1.  Super capacity: IP networks achieve a future-proof shift from   warehouse of SONGMICS — the largest home necessity seller on
          100GE to 400GE and from Wi-Fi 5 to Wi-Fi 6, and transform   Amazon in Germany. The solution also performs well in the data
          towards intelligent IP networks, boosting bandwidth resources.   center network domain. It adopts Huawei's innovative iLossless
          In addition, such future-oriented  networks adopt slice-  algorithm that ensures zero packet loss on the Ethernet, thereby
          based bandwidth isolation, implementing  flexible bandwidth   improving  data  computing  efficiency  by  27%  and  data  storage
          adjustment.                                          efficiency  by  30%  compared  with  the  industry  average.  The
        2.  Intelligent  experience:  Intelligent  IP  networks stand  out   solution  also  achieves  AI-powered  intelligent  O&M,  which  can
          with  intelligent  identification  of  service  types,  service  intent   remediate a  typical  fault  in  just  9  minutes —  fault  detection  in
          inference, and flexible, real-time network resource adjustment   1 minute, fault locating in 3 minutes, and fault rectification in 5
          upon  cloud  changes. These  highlights  deliver always-on   minutes. Such superb performance has attracted more than 40
          network connectivity experience.                     Internet service providers (ISPs) and financial service customers,
        3.  Autonomous  driving: Intelligent IP  networks can be   such as China Merchants Bank, China CITIC Bank, and People's
          automatically  deployed, achieving rapid adjustment of   Insurance Co. (Group) of China Ltd. (PICC). Besides the campus
          services. In addition, they can perform automatic, AI-powered   network and data center network domains, this solution is also
          fault rectification, implementing proactive O&M and ensuring   highly suited to the WAN domain for its industry-leading FlexE-
          high network availability.                           based slicing that provides 100% bandwidth assurance, achieving
        Kevin Hu, President of Huawei's  Data  Communication  Product   5 times higher  slicing  granularity than the industry average. In
        Line, said: "2020 is the first year for commercial use of intelligent   addition, this feature-rich solution uses IPv6+ to select the optimal
        IP networks. The entire industry has witnessed an historic shift of   path based on the service intent, ensuring committed latency for
        IP networks from Internet IP in the World Wide Web era to video-  key services. As such, this solution achieves superb transmission
        driven All IP, and is now on the way to intelligent IP oriented at the   of key services and has been widely applied in multiple scenarios,
        5G and cloud era. Looking ahead, Huawei will keep innovating and   such as China Mobile (smart grid services), Agricultural Bank of
                                                               China, and China Unicom Beijing branch (services for the Beijing
                                                               Daxing International Airport). Capitalizing on more than 20 years
                                                               of expertise in the IP network domain, Huawei keeps on building
                                                               highly competitive intelligent IP network products and solutions,
                                                               as well as providing smooth, continuous services for carriers and
                                                               customers in the financial services, government, transportation,
                                                               and energy sectors in more than 100 countries  and regions.
                                                               Looking forward, Huawei's  Data  Communication  Product Line
                                                               will collaborate with more customers in innovative design and in-
                                                               depth service cooperation to help more customers achieve digital
                                                               transformation so as to better embrace the "5G + cloud + AI" era
                                                               and build intelligent IP networks with continuous leadership.

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