Page 65 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
P. 65


        With 41% Increase in 5G Towers, CITC Announced Full ICT Readiness to Serve

        Hajj Pilgrims

                                                                                 Saudi  Arabia’s  digital  regulator, the
                                                                                 Communications & Information Technology
                                                                                 Commission  (CITC),  has  announced  that
                                                                                 communications and  ICT  infrastructure  in
                                                                                 Makkah  and  Medina  are  fully  operational
                                                                                 and  running  to the  highest  standards
                                                                                 ahead of this year’s Hajj and Umrah. With
                                                                                 a million worshippers  expected  to make
                                                                                 the  pilgrimage this  year, the  Commission
                                                                                 has done everything to ensure that digital
                                                                                 infrastructure  in  and  around Makkah  and
                                                                                 Medina are ready to connect pilgrims with
                                                                                 millions  of loved  ones  around the  world.
                                                                                 CITC has ensured the smooth functioning
                                                                                 of more than 5,900 towers and more than
                                                                                 11,000 Wifi access points in the Two Holy
                                                                                 Cities. It has also overseen a 41% increase
                                                                                 in  5G  towers  to  reach  more  than  2,600
                                                                                 5G  towers.  “The  Kingdom’s  infrastructure
                                                                                 readiness  will  not only help  smooth the
                                                                                 passage  of  fulfilling  a  lifelong  dream,”
                                                                                 said  Dr.  Mohammed bin  Saud  Al-Tamimi,
                                                                                 “it  will  significantly  enhance  their  digital
                                                                                 experience.”  With  some  of  the  fastest
                                                                                 mobile  download  speeds  on  the  planet
                                                                                 (203 Mbit/s in Makkah and 223 Mbit/s in
                                                                                 Madinah),  this  year’s  pilgrims  will  have
                                                                                 an  unprecedented  experience.  The  first
                                                                                 overseas  worshippers  to make  the  Hajj
                                                                                 since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic,
                                                                                 this  year’s  worshippers  will  benefit  from
                                                                                 the  fastest  connections  the  Two  Holy
                                                                                 Sites  have  ever had.  “With  worshippers
                                                                                 traveling  to Saudi Arabia  from every part
                                                                                 of the  planet,  we  are  ensuring  that  this
                                                                                 year’s  pilgrims  have  the  most  innovative
                                                                                 and interactive Hajj experience in history,”
                                                                                 Governor Al-Tamimi  said.  “That’s  why the
                                                                                 ability to seamlessly communicate this life-
                                                                                 changing experience is so important.”

        Hajj Pilgrims Consumed 36,000 TB of Data, Equivalent to Watching 14.83

        Million Hours of 1080p HD Video Clips

        The  governor of Saudi Arabia’s  digital   season.  Speaking  on  behalf  of  all  CITC   were key to ensuring  this  year’s  pilgrims
        regulator,  the  Communications  and  employees,  Mohammed Al-Tamimi also   had the  best  internet  and connectivity
        Information  Technology Commission, has   extended his congratulations to the Minister   support  and  services available.  “There
        congratulated  King  Salman  and  Crown   of Communications  and  Information   is  no way we could  have achieved such
        Prince Mohammed  bin  Salman on the   Technology and  CITC  Chairman, Abdullah   a  feat  of communications without  the
        conclusion of another  successful Hajj   bin Amer Al-Swaha, saying that his efforts   robust cooperation  of various levels  of

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