Page 62 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
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                                                                                 using  Subscription  Concealed  Identifier
                                                                                 (SUCI).  Every user  on  mobile network
                                                                                 has unique  identity  knowns as IMSI
                                                                                 (International Mobile Subscriber Identity).
                                                                                 Under  previous  generations,  the identity
                                                                                 is  concealed  with  a  temporary  identified,
                                                                                 which may be prone to malicious attacks.
                                                                                 With SUCI, stc  network will encrypt all
                                                                                 user  identification  before  it  leaves  the
                                                                                 device making it much more secure from
                                                                                 advanced cyber-attacks.
                                                                                 “Having  launched  first  ever  commercial
                                                                                 end to end 5G SA network in MENA region
                                                                                 last  year  and  now  becoming  first  to
                                                                                 deploy  first  fully  converged  core  network
                                                                                 which supports secured Vo5G with latest
                                                                                 releases of secured SIM/eSIM technology
                                                                                 shows our  relentless pursuit to  offer
                                                                                 cutting edge digital services to consumers
        uninterrupted service experience. Also, as   ready to accommodate  an  ever growing   and enterprises in Kuwait. I am confident
        a latest core technology  converged  core   number  of users.  The solution has built   that  today’s launch  will serve as a major
        allows 2G, 3G, 4G & 5G micro  services   in infrastructure & link fault redundancies   step towards enabling a digital Kuwait of
        to  share hardware resources resulting   built  into it making it ultra-reliable. stc’s   future and towards realizing vision 2035”
        in making new innovative services  more   converged core network solution not only   said, Eng. Fahad Abdul Rahman Al Ali, CTO,
        affordable for end customers.        supports 5G SA & 5G NSA architectures but   stc Kuwait.
                                             also 2G,3G & 4G networks making it capable
        Today’s  announcement  of successful
        deployment  of fully converged  core    “Having launched first ever commercial end to end 5G SA
        network has opened new avenues and      network in MENA region last year and now becoming first
        will bring  new services  to consumers
        and  opportunities  to enterprises  to serve   to deploy first fully converged core network which supports
        their  customers in  innovative ways. The   secured  Vo5G  with  latest  releases  of  secured  SIM/eSIM
        converged  core solution  deployed  by stc
        KW provides us with  new capabilities   technology  shows  our relentless  pursuit  to offer  cutting
        to  serve the  customers looking  towards   edge  digital  services  to  consumers  and  enterprises  in
        a path  of digital  transformation.  With   Kuwait. I am confident that today’s launch will serve as a
        this  new deployment,  stc can  provide
        consumers  with ultra-reliable  high  speed   major step towards enabling a digital Kuwait of future and
        connectivity over 5G,  offer new charging   towards realizing vision 2035”
        models  as suitable  and  demanded  by
        customers. For  enterprises, stc will now   Eng. Fahad Abdul Rahman Al Ali, CTO, stc Kuwait
        be able to provide advanced slicing offers,
        which can provide priority  differentiation   to deliver growing  digital  transformation   stc being the 1st operator in the region in
        based on customers’ requirements.    demands from customers while delivering   adopting a fully converged core has shown
                                             an excellent user experience and reducing   its commitment towards development  of
        For  deploying  the  converged  core, stc   the time to market for new digital services.   telecommunications in the state of Kuwait
        has chosen a solution, which is based on   In addition to launching 5G one Core and   & assisting the government in realizing the
        micro  service architecture which  ensures   Vo5G, stc has also enabled next generation   vision of a digitally transformed Kuwait.
        that  the network is scalable and  always   of encryption of user identity on its network

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