Page 69 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
P. 69



        CMI Invests to Drive the Development of the Digital

        Economy in MEA

                                             by February 2023. When 2Africa goes live   The  45,000-km  2Africa
                                             in 2024, it will deliver more than the total
                                             combined  capacity of all  subsea cables   submarine  cable  is an
                                             currently serving Africa, with  a  design   ambitious   project     to
                                             capacity of up to 180 Terabits per second
        5G networks will account for nearly a fifth   (Tbps).                       interconnect Africa, Europe
        of mobile connections in the Middle East                                    (eastward  via  Egypt)  and
        and Africa (MEA) by 2025, and almost half   The only Chinese company investing in the   Asia  (via  Saudi  Arabia).
        of connections  in the Gulf Cooperation   project,  CMI  is  committed  to  the  further
        Council  (GCC)  states,  according to  the   growth of 4G in MEA and the continued roll-  It was announced  by CMI
        GSMA. With the backing of China Mobile,   out  of  5G  and  fixed  broadband  services.   and other partners in May
        China  Mobile  International  (CMI)  remains   Its  mission  is  to  help  bring  connectivity
        committed to the region, providing global   to underserved  and rural areas across   2020, with 26 out of a total
        network resources and integrated solutions   the region while enhancing network   of  46  landings  completed
        to help carriers and businesses tap into the   resilience and global connectivity to benefit   by February 2023.  When
        opportunities that 5G will bring.    businesses  and individuals  throughout
                                             MEA.                                   2Africa  goes  live in  2024,
        Enhancing connections between MEA and                                       it will deliver more than the
        the world                            As a gateway to international connectivity,
        As  one  of  the  industry  leaders,  CMI  is   the 2Africa  cable will  also  help to   total combined capacity of
        connecting  the world and driving  global   drive the upgrade  and expansion  of   all subsea cables currently
        adoption  of  5G.  Its  extensive  global   telecommunications  networks in the
        infrastructure supports customers in MEA   region.  It  will  offer  customers  seamless   serving Africa, with  a
        with reliable, scalable and resilient network   links  between Africa  and Europe, further   design  capacity  of  up  to
        resources.                           interconnecting with CMI’s SEA-ME-WE 5   180  Terabits per  second
                                             (SMW-5) and Asia-Africa-Europe 1 (AAE-
        The 45,000-km 2Africa submarine cable is   1)  subsea  cable  resources  to  extend   (Tbps).
        an ambitious project to interconnect Africa,   connectivity  to  Asia.  This  will  support
        Europe (eastward via Egypt) and Asia (via   the development  of a  thriving  internet   2Africa is an important milestone in CMI’s
        Saudi  Arabia).  It  was  announced  by  CMI   ecosystem,  especially for underserved   global  development  strategy.  Offering
        and  other  partners  in  May  2020,  with  26   communities across Africa.  ample capacity and faster transmission
        out  of  a  total  of  46  landings  completed                           will allow CMI to help the nations of MEA to
                                                                                 further develop their digital economy today
           2Africa  cable  will  also  help  to  drive the  upgrade  and         and in the future.
           expansion of telecommunications networks in the region.
           It will offer customers seamless links between Africa and             Expanding regional infrastructure to serve
           Europe, further interconnecting with CMI’s SEA-ME-WE 5                CMI  continues  to  enhance  regional

           (SMW-5) and Asia-Africa-Europe 1 (AAE-1) subsea cable                 telecom infrastructure in MEA by investing
                                                                                 in network resources and expanding  its
           resources to extend connectivity to Asia. This will support           footprint  to better  serve local customers
           the development of a thriving internet ecosystem, especially          and  support  business  development.  CMI
                                                                                 currently has 80 submarine and terrestrial
           for underserved communities across Africa.                            cables that provide total network capacity

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