Page 67 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
P. 67


        ticket deflection rate of Espressive Barista
        coupled  with  Tech  Mahindra's  innovative
        and user-centric  digital experiences  will
        enable customers to increase competence
        through  automation  and remain ahead
        of  the  curve  in  the  services  market.  The
        partnership will also help their customers
        with employee retention  while gaining
        service  management  efficiencies.  Pat
        Calhoun,  Founder  and  CEO,  Espressive,
        says: “Gone are the days of building virtual
        support  agents  in-house.  Espressive  and
        Tech Mahindra allow CIOs and IT leaders to
        develop a dynamic digital workplace with
        a purpose built virtual agent that delivers
        the highest deflection rates in the industry,
        while enabling  their teams  to focus on
        outcomes.  Our  proprietary  and  domain-
        specific  Large  Language  Model  (LLM)
        has been trained on over 4 billion phrases
        across  15  enterprise  departments  and
        can  operate  in  over  100  languages.”  The
        partnership with Espressive is in line with
        Tech  Mahindra’s  NXT.NOW™  framework,
        which  aims  to  enhance  ‘Human  Centric
        Experience’,  with  a  focus  on  investing  in
        emerging technologies and solutions that
        enable digital transformation and meet the
        evolving needs of the customer.

                                             Zain Bahrain Adds Brunei to Global Data Roaming

                                             Zain Bahrain said it has extended its Global   a network not part of the partner’s list, then
                                             Data  Roaming passes  coverage  services   the data roaming will not connect, and no
                                             to Brunei, making it the widest Global Data   data usage charge will be possible. Further,
                                             roaming pass coverage  telco  in the   a  message  notification  will  be  sent  once
                                             Kingdom, covering 109 destinations. Zain   the data allowance  has been  consumed
                                             Bahrain said it meets the communication   and the data  roaming service will  be
                                             needs  of  its  traveling customers with   stopped.  Jaffar  Abdulla,  Zain  Bahrain
                                             various roaming passes starting from BHD   Wholesale  &  Roaming  Manager,
                                             5.5 with a validity of up to 30 days. Zain   commented, “Zain Bahrain is continuously
                                             has implemented  multiple  controls to   enhancing  its  roaming coverage, and by
                                             ensure customers are not charged extra   adding Brunei to the Global Data Roaming
                                             data fees. These controls include that the   Passes, our customers can stay in touch
                                             mobile  will  only select  the  networks   while   roaming   seamlessly   in   109
                                             included  in  the  roaming  add-on  destinations   through   183   roaming
                                             automatically. If the user manually selects   partners, across six continents.

                                                                                                    67   MAY-JUNE 2023
   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72