Page 37 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
P. 37


                                             e& On Track to Hit 2030 Net-Zero Targets

        UAE  operator  e&  claimed  to  have  made  significant  progress   optimize power consumption based on traffic loads. The update
        towards achieving net-zero  emissions by  2030,  stating  it  had   comes as the country prepares to host the United Nations COP28
        begun  to  accelerate the implementation  of climate action   climate change  conference  later  this  year,  with  2023  declared
        projects in the country. It stated it has deployed up-to-date radio   the  year  of  sustainability  in  the  UAE.  One  of  e&’s  deployments
        equipment  which  is  more  energy-efficient  and  employing  AI  to   of  the equipment  reduced  energy  consumption  by  52  per cent
                                                               compared with its previous kit. This is equivalent to 7.6 tonnes of
                                                               CO2 emissions per site per year for high-level sites. e& also said it
                                                               invested heavily in converting indoor sites to outdoor free cooling
                                                               systems, reducing the Global Warming Potential of refrigerants by
                                                               recovering, recycling and reusing gases. It also now uses on-site
                                                               renewable energy through solar panels and hybrid power systems
                                                               to replace diesel generators at off-grid sites. In March, e& struck a
                                                               partnership with IBM to deploy software focused on sustainability,
                                                               adding to a separate partnership with Ericsson. Ahead of COP28,
                                                               e& International CTO Sabri Ali Albreiki said it is “accelerating the
                                                               pace of decarbonization of its network infrastructure business to
                                                               enable  a low carbon  society, reduce  environmental  impact and
                                                               promote sustainability”.

        e& and Vodafone Form Strategic Relationship Across Europe, the Middle
        East, and Africa

        e&  and  Vodafone  Group  Plc  (“Vodafone”)  announced  that  they
        have agreed  to a  strategic relationship  that  will  bring  the two
        operators closer together in certain aspects of their businesses.
        As  part  of  this  strategic  relationship,  e&  and  Vodafone  have
        entered into a  relationship  agreement  that  establishes e& as
        a  cornerstone  shareholder  of  Vodafone  (the  “Relationship
        Agreement”).  This  is  the  next  phase  in  a  strategic  relationship
        that began in May 2022, when e& made its original investment in   nominate  a  second  non-executive  Director  (the  “Independent
        Vodafone. The strategic relationship also enables collaboration   Nominee”),  independent  of  e&,  if  its  shareholding  exceeds  20%
        across a broad range of growth areas, as e& and Vodafone may be   (subject to  certain  adjustments while regulatory  approvals  are
        able to benefit from each other’s respective operational scale and   outstanding).  These  appointments  are  subject  to  receipt  by  e&
        complementary geographic footprint. The key areas of commercial   of the required regulatory approvals. Other terms of the Relation-
        collaboration that e& and Vodafone will initially pursue include:  ship  Agreement  are  summarized  below.  Hatem  Dowidar,  Group
        •   In  Enterprise,  e&  and  Vodafone  will  explore  jointly  offering   Chief Executive Officer of e&, said: “Our investment in Vodafone
          cross-border digital services and solutions  to multi-national   is anchored by Vodafone Group's established position and world-
          customers  and  public  sector  organizations.  Services   wide reputation as a prominent industry player that provides cut-
          will  include  fixed  and  mobile  connectivity,  Mobile  Private   ting-edge connectivity and digital services. This aligns with e&'s
          Networks,  IoT,  cybersecurity,  and  cloud-based  services.  vision of becoming a global telecom and technology player.” “We
        •   In  Procurement,  e&  and  Vodafone  will  seek  to  share   extend a warm welcome to Margherita Della Valle as Vodafone's
          best   practices   and   may   adopt   joint   procurement.  newly appointed Group Chief Executive Officer, and we have full
        •   In  Carrier,  Wholesale  &  Roaming,  the  two  operators   confidence in her leadership abilities to steer the company toward
          will  work  together  to become  the partner of choice  in   growth. We are convinced that our strategic relationship will un-
          providing  access  to  high-quality  digital  infrastructure.  lock opportunities for both companies to explore the swiftly ex-
        •   In Technology, both teams will seek to work together on a technology   panding global telecom market and next-generation technologies.”
          roadmap,  including  the  evolution  and  adoption  of  OpenRAN.  Margherita Della Valle, Vodafone Group Chief Executive, said: “We
        Under the terms of the Relationship Agreement, the Group Chief   know e& well, and I’m delighted we will strengthen our existing
        Executive Officer of e&, will join the Vodafone Board as a non-ex-  relationship through this strategic relationship. This will allow us
        ecutive Director (the “e& Nominee”), for as long as e& maintains   to  capture  efficiency-enhancing  opportunities  in  our  respective
        its current shareholding of 14.6%. e& will also have the ability to   markets and brings additional telecoms experience to our Board.”

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