Page 103 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
P. 103


                                             REGULATORY NEWS

        ITU makes $100B Funding Plea to Push Digital Inclusion

        The   International   Telecommunication   connectivity projects in the world’s least-  Digital  Coalition.  The  project  has  already
        Union  (ITU)  set  a  target  of  raising  $100   developed  countries.  In  a  statement,  the   secured $30 billion for its various projects
        billion from the public and private sectors   UN  organization  called  for  an  increase   and  earmarked  $12  billion  of  this  to
        by  2026,  cash  set  to  be  focused  on   in pledges made to the Partner2Connect   specific areas. The ITU estimates 2.7 billion
                                                                                 people  across  the globe  were  offline in
                                                                                 2022, with almost a third of these located
                                                                                 in  the  46  countries  it  defines  as  “least
                                                                                 developed”. It noted across these nations
                                                                                 the internet was considered affordable in
                                                                                 just  two  of  them.  Reasons  cited  for  this
                                                                                 large offline population comprise  issues
                                                                                 with access, digital skills and affordability.
                                                                                 ITU  secretary-general  Doreen  Bogdan-
                                                                                 Martin said technology  “is  at  the top of
                                                                                 the  global  agenda,  but  the  benefits  of
                                                                                 digital technology  are still  out  of reach
                                                                                 for  too  many  people”.  “If  we  are  serious
                                                                                 about digitalizing the world in a way that is
                                                                                 meaningful and sustainable, we must take
                                                                                 action to accelerate digital transformation
                                                                                 for  everyone.”  “As  the  internet  becomes
                                                                                 ever more central  to value creation and
                                                                                 innovation,  least developed  countries
                                                                                 risk falling further behind,” UN secretary-
                                                                                 general Antonio Guterres added. “We must
                                                                                 dramatically  improve accessibility  and
                                                                                 inclusivity and eliminate the digital divide.”

        FCC Approves Windstream Request for Majority Foreign Interest

        The Federal Communications Commission   June 2020,  and  Windstream  successfully   control the voting in Windstream on behalf
        (FCC)  has  granted  permission  for  completed  its  financial  restructuring   of  a  series  of  US  and  foreign  funds  that
        Windstream  Holdings  II  (Windstream)  to   process  as  a  privately held  company  in   would  collectively  hold  a  21.17%  direct
        accept a  foreign ownership  stake  that   September 2020. As per the FCC filing, when   equity interest in Windstream upon closing.
        exceeds  the  25%  cap  typically  applied   Step Two of the reorganization is complete,   A number of other overseas companies will
        to  telecoms  operators.  The  request   Windstream will have an aggregate indirect   also hold minor stakes in the US telco. On
        relates  to  Windstream’s  2020  emergence   foreign equity interest of 66.29%, of which   2 June the FCC concluded: ‘Upon review of
        from  Chapter  11  bankruptcy  protection.   Nexus Aggregator will hold 49.27%. Elliott   the Petition, as amended, and consideration
        Previously,  in  February  2019  Windstream   International, a Cayman Islands entity, will   of  the  record  of  this  proceeding,  we  find
        filed voluntary petitions for reorganization   hold  a  69.57%  equity  interest  in  Nexus   that the public interest would not be served
        under  Chapter  11  of  the  US  Bankruptcy   Aggregator. Meanwhile, Pacific Investment   by  prohibiting  the foreign  ownership  of
        Code.  The  US  Bankruptcy  Court  for  the   Management  Company  (PIMCO),  which   Windstream,  the  controlling  US  parent,  in
        Southern District of New York went on to   is  ultimately  owned and controlled by   excess of the 25% benchmarks in section
        confirm the telco’s reorganization plan in   Germany’s  Allianz  SE,  would  exclusively   310(b)(4) of the Act.’

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