Page 101 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
P. 101


        Webex by Cisco Delivers First App for Hybrid Work to Audi Vehicles

        Cisco and Audi unveiled plans to enhance   later time. “We’re on a mission to transform   simple setup,  drivers can seamlessly
        mobile  car collaboration  experiences   the connected car into another extension   transition from Webex meetings on their
        for  hybrid  workers.  In  partnership  with   of the hybrid workplace,” said Jeetu Patel,   electronic devices to in-car meetings.
        Volkswagen  Group’s  software  company   Executive  Vice  President  and  General   •  Purpose-Built  Safety  Features:  With
        CARIAD   and   Samsung    subsidiary   Manager,  Security  &  Collaboration,  Cisco.   features designed  to prioritize safety,
        HARMAN,  Webex  will  be  the  first  app  for   “Our work with leading manufacturers like   Webex goes into audio-only mode when
        hybrid work available in select Audi models   Audi will empower customers with a safe   the car is in transit to ensure that drivers
        as of the 2024 model year. As hybrid work   and seamless way to stay connected and   can participate in meetings  without
        continues  to  evolve, the modern work   be productive regardless of where or how   taking  their  eyes  off  the  road.  When
        environment  is  no  longer  confined  to  a   you’re working.” This partnership aims to   parked, drivers can take advantage of
        single space or device. People increasingly   accommodate flexible hybrid work cultures.   Webex’s  full  immersive  collaboration
        demand  flexible, frictionless  ways to get   It presents people with access to elevated   experience and are able to view meeting
        work  done  on their own terms,  requiring   work experiences that can be personalized   participants, shared content and closed
        innovative  solutions  that  empower  this.   to fit their lifestyles and enable work from   captioning.
        To meet consumer demand and provide a   any setting. Customer benefits include:  •   AI-Enhanced Meetings: Drivers will have
        safe, secure and easy-to-use secure mobile   •   Simple Setup:  Drivers  can download   access to Webex’s built-in AI features for
        collaboration  experience,  the Webex   the Webex  App  from the Application   best-in-class noise  removal  and voice
        automotive application  will  be available   Store  available  on  the  Audi  vehicle’s   optimization. This will ensure that drivers
        through the in-vehicle  Audi Application   infotainment  system, with  no phone   can be clearly heard, without disruptive
        Store. The Application Store is developed   needed for set up. The store consistently   background  sounds  such as  roadway
        by  CARIAD  and  HARMAN  and  designed   ensures  that  the  applications  in  the   noise or construction.
        for select Audi vehicles  with  additional   vehicle meet the high safety requirements   Availability
        Volkswagen  Group  brands  to  follow  at  a   of  the  Volkswagen  Group.  With  this   As of July 2023, the Application Store, from
                                                                                 which the Webex App can be downloaded,
                                                                                 will  be available  in  new Audi production
                                                                                 models of the Audi A4, A5, Q5, A6, A7, A8,
                                                                                 Q8 e-tron, and e-tron GT in Europe, USA,
                                                                                 Canada,  Mexico,  and  Overseas  markets.
                                                                                 Cisco works with over 32,000 transportation
                                                                                 organizations in 169 countries worldwide
                                                                                 and has 25,000 patents in the transportation
                                                                                 space. This partnership with Audi, CARIAD,
                                                                                 and  HARMAN  is  part  of  Webex  for  Auto,
                                                                                 which includes Webex Meetings for Apple
                                                                                 CarPlay, and collaboration with automotive
                                                                                 manufactures  including  Ford  Motor
                                                                                 Company  and  Mercedes-Benz.  Cisco  will
                                                                                 continue to expand its growing ecosystem
                                                                                 of  innovative  collaboration solutions that
                                                                                 enable unrivaled experiences on the go.

        Enea Confirms Development of Multi-Vendor 5G SA Core Solution in Telenor-

        Led Project

        Swedish vendor Enea has announced the   deployment time of a  network slice from   purpose of the solution is to both reduce
        development of what it called an ‘innovative   days to minutes, increasing the deployment   deployment time and to allow enterprises
        end-to-end automated deployment solution   speed  by  70%.  It  added  that  the  unique   to order 5G network services dynamically
        with  5G  Standalone  (SA)  Core’,  under  a   multi-vendor  approach  led  by  Telenor   and have a proven path to on-board their
        project  led  by  Norway’s  Telenor  which   involved key network functions from Enea   own application services via standard APIs.
        included  the participation of ‘ten world-  (Stratum Network Data Layer, Subscription   The work on the project has been ongoing
        class  vendors’.  According  to  Enea,  the   Manager),  as  well as  Oracle and Casa   for the last two years, with Enea confirming
        solution  substantially accelerates  the   Systems.  According  to  the  vendor,  the   its involvement back in May 2021.

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