Page 26 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
P. 26


        in the AGM, Mr.  Jean Christophe Durand   retirement cost is 7% higher year-on-year,   the leading  provider of innovative digital
        and Mr. Ahmed Abdulwahed Abdulrahman.   driven by the 5% YoY reduction in operating   services and connectivity  in Bahrain, we
        Batelco Chairman Shaikh Abdulla bin   expenses.” “I am pleased to welcome the   have ambitious plans  for 2020.  We  will
        Khalifa Al Khalifa said, "We are delighted to   new Board for the next three year term and   be investing in  adjacent businesses in
        announce strong performance for Batelco   look  forward  to  working with  them and   Bahrain and the MEA region, focusing on
        during the year, which in turn contributed   utilizing their expertise and knowledge in   specific clusters of FinTech, B2B solutions,
        to good dividends for shareholders as part   helping  consolidate Batelco’s  position.   e-government and e-commerce. As a result,
        of efforts to continuously deliver improved   I  would also  like to thank  the Board   this will diversify our revenue streams and
        value for them. Achieving the best financial   members who have served in the previous   create investment opportunities in different
        results for shareholders  is Batelco's top   term for  their outstanding  contributions   digital technologies," he added. Prior to the
        priority." “Revenues for the full year 2019   in supporting the Company’s  plans and   conclusion of the meeting, Shaikh Abdulla
        were  BD401.5M  (US$1,065.0M),  and   development,”  he added. Batelco CEO   expressed his sincere appreciation for the
        revenues  in the home  market of Bahrain   Mikkel Vinter said, "In  2019,  we  achieved   outstanding efforts of the Board members,
        have increased  by  5% year-over-year   key milestones to support the Company's   the executive  management team  and
        boosted by revenues from fixed broadband,   digital transformation journey,  such as   all  the Company’s  staff  members,  who
        data   communications  and   mobile  the commercial launch of the 5G network   contributed to the positive results. "I would
        services. 2019  saw  EBITDA decrease by   for the first time in Bahrain, an important   also like to extend my appreciation to our
        1% in comparison  to 2018, impacted  by   step in enabling the growth of the digital   shareholders  for their continued support
        BD11.1M (US$29.4M) voluntary employee   economy.  This year, we plan to further   and confidence in our strategic direction,"
        retirement program cost. Adjusted EBITDA   increase the areas of 5G coverage around   Shaikh Abdulla concluded.
        for the year without the voluntary employee   the  Kingdom." “To position  Batelco  as

        Batelco  and  Aptilo  Networks  Partner  For  First-Class  Wi-Fi  Services  in

        Manama,  Bahrain: Batelco, the leading   in innovation and stability makes them the   as  secure and seamless as  any mobile
        digital solutions provider in the Kingdom of   right choice for us to support the growing   network. “Operator managed  Wi-Fi  is
        Bahrain, and Aptilo Networks have entered   demands of our enterprise customers,” he   crucial not only as a profitable business but
        into a partnership to deliver business-to-  added. Furthermore, Batelco will  deploy   also to get indoor footprint for subscribers.
        business (B2B) or (B2B2C) Wi-Fi services   an additional Wi-Fi  connection (SSID)   This will become increasingly important in
        in Bahrain. Batelco has selected the Aptilo   exclusively for Batelco subscribers at most   the 5G era,” said Anders Emilsson, VP Sales
        Service Management Platform™  (SMP)   public  locations.  When Batelco mobile   Middle East & Africa, Aptilo Networks. “We
        with the Aptilo SMP Venue Wi-Fi Manager™   subscribers  switch on their Wi-Fi,  they   are proud that Bahrain's leading operator
        to deploy  a  nationwide managed Wi-Fi   will instantaneously connect to the secure   has selected  us.  Their  insights in the
        service. Batelco offers managed venue Wi-  Wi-Fi network at these locations. It is the   market  and the  dynamics of Wi-Fi  will
        Fi  services to enterprise  customers,  with   SIM  authentication functionality  of  the   make them very successful,” he added.
        the service deployed either on top of the   Aptilo SMP that makes the Wi-Fi network
        customer’s existing Wi-Fi  equipment  or
        as a fully managed service with the Wi-Fi
        infrastructure included.  Batelco General
        Manager    Enterprise  Abderrahmane
        Mounir said,  “We  were looking for a
        vendor agnostic solution that could match
        our high  ambitions in  scaling our Wi-Fi
        business  both in terms of volume and
        functionality, and at  the same time have
        a platform that will allow Batelco and its
        enterprise  customers to engage  with  the
        wifi  users.”  “Aptilo’s  proven  track-record

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