Page 95 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
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        possibilities  for  storytelling  and  enables   the  versatility  of  generative  AI,  some  of     - Accountability
        filmmakers  to  explore  new  genres  and   these possibilities also pose some  of the     - Legal IP and Copyright issues
        styles  while  focusing on more  important   biggest challenges that mankind will face     - Model transparency and ability to control
        aspects of the film.                 in  the  coming years,  which  is  extremely   output
                                             dangerous.                             - Cost  model  –  While  per  unit  price is  in
        Likewise, generative AI is bridging cultural                               few  cents,  but  when  content  ingestion
        gaps and bringing the world closer together   Responsible  AI, which has  so far been   happens  at  a broad way and  multiple
        by making local media content  more   the subject of panel discussions and CXO   users  start  using it  at  scale,  there  can
        accessible to a global audience, resulting in   tasks, needs to play a more significant role   potentially be a surprise element.
        a wider viewership. Subtitles and dubs are   at  the  ground level.  While  explainability,
        crucial in  breaking  language  barriers, and   fairness,  and  bias  were  the  primary  axes   Conclusion
        with the help of generative AI, subtitles can   of  responsible  AI, accountability,  ethics,   With its tremendous capabilities, generative
        be created in multiple languages, ensuring   and  fake  detection  will  need  prominent   AI has the potential to transform the CME
        that the message of the tv program or a film   focus for generative  AI. Negative  use  of   industry  by  creating  new  opportunities
        is  exactly  conveyed  to viewers who may   generative  AI can  lead  to criminal  and   for content  creation  and  delivery. In  the
        not  understand  the  original  language.  AI-  fraudulent  activities  and  can  potentially   telecom industry, generative  models  can
        based dubbing technology can also create   cause social unrest.          be used to optimize network performance,
        voice overs in different languages, making                               predict  demand  and  customer behavior,
        any  media  program  or  film  accessible  to   Key  considerations  while  adopting  and  automate  customer  service
        audiences who prefer to hear the dialogue   generative AI                processes  that  can  help  improve  network
        in their native language.            On  the  journey of generative  AI adoption,   efficiency  and  customer  satisfaction
                                             enterprises  need  to deal  with  quite  a  few   while  reducing costs.  In  the  media  and
        Ethical and responsible use of generative   complex topics with regards to generative   entertainment  industry,  generative  AI
        AI                                   AI like -                           can be used to generate  personalized
        While  a  myriad of  cool new  things  are     - Cyber security          content  recommendations  and enhance
        popping  up in  various industries  with     - Data Protection           the  creative  process  by generating  new
                                                                                 and  innovative  ideas  or content. This  can
           Responsible AI, which has so far been the subject of panel            help boost the engagement and loyalty of
           discussions and CXO tasks, needs to play a more signifi-              the  audience  while  reducing  production

           cant role at the ground level. While explainability, fairness,        costs. By leveraging generative AI, industry
                                                                                 players can gain a competitive advantage
           and bias were the primary axes of responsible AI, account-            in  the  marketplace  while  improving  the
           ability, ethics, and fake detection will need prominent focus         customer experience.
           for generative AI. Negative use of generative AI can lead to          To conclude,  those  players  that  adopt
           criminal and fraudulent activities and can potentially cause          generative AI to power  their digital
                                                                                 touchpoints  will  be  better  positioned  to
           social unrest.                                                        succeed in a fast-changing market.

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