Page 94 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
P. 94
AI is playing big in the Middle East region technology, which typically lacks context- In addition, generative AI can improve fraud
It is predicted that AI will be worth $320bn aware conversational responses. detection and prevention by analyzing
in the Middle East by 2030, and in the UAE, patterns and flagging suspicious behavior.
AI is expected to make up 13.6 percent of By using generative AI, telecom providers Inventory allocation can also be optimized
GDP, followed by Saudi Arabia with 12.5 can create bots or virtual assistants that by predicting demand and adjusting stock
percent, according to an industry report. offer customers 24/7 support, prompt levels accordingly using generative AI.
To intensify research and efforts towards responses to queries, and personalized
promoting the adoption of futuristic
technologies in government work models,
the UAE government has recently launched By using generative AI, telecom providers can create bots
a comprehensive guide on the utilization or virtual assistants that offer customers 24/7 support,
of generative AI applications. For a region prompt responses to queries, and personalized experiences.
normally dependent on oil revenues, these
predictions and initiatives are a clear sign This enhances customer satisfaction while reducing costs
that technology could play a significant for the telecom provider. Virtual assistants can assist
role in diversifying its economy. However,
the region still faces challenges such as a customers with inquiries, billing, and account management,
lack of access to data and a shortage of while analyzing data on usage patterns, device type, and
skilled professionals in the field.
location to generate personalized recommendations based
Tech Mahindra already has a significant on customer behavior.
footprint, withlabs in the UAE, Saudi Arabia,
Bahrain, and Oman. These labs serve as experiences. This enhances customer Impact of Generative AI in Media and
innovation centers, providing technology satisfaction while reducing costs for the Entertainment Industry
solutions to clients in the region and telecom provider. Virtual assistants can The media and entertainment industry is
helping companies accelerate their digital assist customers with inquiries, billing, the most impacted by generative AI, which
transformation journeys. The labs offer a and account management, while analyzing can handle tasks such as content creation,
range of services, including digital strategy, data on usage patterns, device type, editing, merging, and style transfer.
cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and and location to generate personalized The television and filmmaking industry
cybersecurity. Last year, we inaugurated an recommendations based on customer has also experienced this new wave of
Innovation and Technology Development behavior. This frees up human customer technology, allowing filmmakers to create
Center, in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, too. service representatives to focus on more ideas, plot lines, visuals, characters, and
All these will cater to the telecom, media & complex issues and provide personalized scenes without having to spend countless
entertainment, oil and gas, BFSI (Banking, support. hours and resources. This opens new
Financial Services, and Insurance),
energy & utilities and public sectors by In network rollout and troubleshooting The media and entertain-
leveraging AI, data & analytics, cloud, area, generative AI can help generate test ment industry is the most
and 5G technologies. This is in line with cases and test data, which, with the help impacted by generative AI,
Tech Mahindra’s commitment to invest in of automation technology, can execute the
upskilling and reskilling local talent to take QA process of the network in autonomous which can handle tasks
on projects in the Middle East and around mode, thus reducing rollout or upgrade such as content creation,
the world. cost and time. Similarly, code generation
capability of generative AI can help resolve editing, merging, and style
Generative AI for telecom industry networking issues faster, which makes it transfer. The television
In the telecom industry, providing effective deskilled work to some extent. and filmmaking industry
customer service has always been a
challenge due to the large customer base. Besides, telecom providers must main- has also experienced this
Traditional call centers led by humans tain a vast network of equipment, from cell new wave of technology,
were neither efficient nor cost-effective. towers to fiber-optic cables. Keeping track
Self-care and self-diagnosing options of maintenance timelines for all this equip- allowing filmmakers to
created more frustration for end-users, as ment can be challenging. Generative AI create ideas, plot lines,
there was often a lack of smooth context helps by analyzing data from sensors and
transfer to agents (human or digital). other sources, enabling providers to pre- visuals, characters, and
With generative AI, there are possibilities dict when maintenance is required before scenes without having to
to respond fast and do context-aware equipment fails. This reduces downtime, spend countless hours and
dialogues using bots. This potentially improves network reliability, and ultimately
plugs the gap in existing chatbot leads to better customer satisfaction. resources.