Page 51 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2022
P. 51


                                             Huawei Profit Hits Record High Despite Revenue

                                                                                 its  troubled  Consumer  Business  Group
                                                                                 (including devices) dropped 49.5 per cent
                                                                                 year-on-year  to  CNY243.4  billion  due  to
                                                                                 trade restrictions. Apart from smartphones
                                                                                 and tablets, revenue  from wearables  and
                                                                                 smart  screens  increased  30.3  per  cent.
                                                                                 Turnover from its carrier group (including
                                                                                 operator  networks)  declined  6.9  per  cent
                                                                                 to  CNY281.5  billion,  with  50  per  cent  of
                                                                                 sales generated by markets outside China.
                                                                                 Enterprise revenue inched up 2.1 per cent
                                                                                 to  CNY102.4  billion,  with  cloud  revenue
                                                                                 growing  34  per  cent  year-on-year  to
                                                                                 CNY20.1  billion.  Domestic  sales  fell  30.9
                                                                                 per  cent  to  CNY413.3  billion,  accounting
                                                                                 for 64.9 per cent of total company sales,
                                                                                 unchanged  from  2020.  R&D spending
                                                                                 in  2021  rose  2.8  per  cent  to  CNY142.7
                                                                                 billion, accounting for 22.4 per cent of total
        Huawei registered its highest annual profit   one-off extraordinary gains, while revenue   revenue, up from 15.9 per cent in 2020.
        ever in 2021 due mainly to one-off gains   plunged 28.6 per cent to CNY636.8 billion,
        from the sale of its Honor sub-brand and   as its operations were hit by the sanctions.
        other  businesses,  but  overall revenue   The  company  stated  that  excluding  the
        dropped  sharply as consumer business   extraordinary  gains,  the  company’s  main
        sales were cut by half. In an online earnings   business posted a year-on-year increase in
        call, rotating chairman Guo Ping (pictured)   net profit margin. CFO Meng Wanzhou said
        put on a  brave  face and pointed to the   on the call that despite the revenue decline,
        positives, insisting its performance  was   “our ability to make a profit and generate
        in line with  forecasts  but acknowledged   cash flows is increasing, and we are more
        it has plenty of challenges ahead in 2022.   capable of dealing with uncertainty.” It was
        “We  will  continue  our  fight  for  survival,”   Meng  Wanzhou’s  first  media  appearance
        he  declared.  Guo  said  its  ability  to  thrive   since  her  September  release  from three
        relies on its continued investment in R&D.   years  of  house  arrest  in  Canada.  Meng
        “We are doubling  down on our efforts  in   attributed the improved margins to moves
        basic science. Since Huawei is unable to   to  adjust  its  product  mix  and  improve
        access  certain advanced  technology  due   its supply chain planning,  enabling  it to
        to US trade sanctions,  he said it  must   shorten the cycle from order to  revenue.
        boost its strategic investments. Net profit   Moves  to  improve  operational  efficiency
        last year jumped 75.9 per cent from 2020   drove a CNY10 billion drop in selling and
        to  CNY113.7  billion  ($17.8  billion)  due  to   administrative  expenses.  Revenue  from

        Huawei's ICT Talent Program Launched in Bangladesh with Roadshows

        Huawei  has  kicked  off  its  Seeds  for  the  Future,  a  flagship  CSR   sities this month, and recently two were held at the University of
        (Corporate  social  responsibility)  program  for  Bangladeshi  stu-  Dhaka and the Islamic University of Technology. "Huawei believes
        dents, the Chinese telecom giant said recently. Starting from April,   in empowering and facilitating the youth. That's why, we have dif-
        the company said the registration is open and interested students   ferent programs meant to help the youth gather knowledge and
        can register free of cost by  contacting their university  depart-  develop ICT-related skills," said Li Zongsheng, board member of
        ments. Seeds For The Future is Huawei's flagship CSR program to   Huawei Bangladesh (Technologies) Ltd. "Seeds for the Future is
        develop ICT (information and communication technology) talent.   one such program. I believe a great number of students will enroll
        The  program's  Bangladesh  version  was  first  launched  in  2014.  in this program this year since this year's edition will be equally
        Also, roadshows are being arranged at the participating univer-  exciting and enlightening for the participants," he said.
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