Page 113 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2022
P. 113


        India Regulator Calls For 5G Spectrum Price Cuts

        India’s  telecoms  regulator  heeded  calls  from  operators  and   access enterprises are given for private 5G networks. The coveted
        recommended the government reduce reserve prices for spectrum   700MHz band was not sold during an auction in March 2021 due
        in the key 700MHz and 3500MHz bands for an upcoming auction.   its high reserve price.
        In  a  statement, the Telecom  Regulatory  Authority of India
        (TRAI)  confirmed  the  sale  will  include  more  than  100,000MHz
        of spectrum across ten bands, which carry 20-year licenses. It
        recommended the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) cut
        the per-MHz price of 700MHz spectrum by 40 per cent to INR39.3
        billion  ($516.4  million)  and  3500MHz  by  36  per  cent  to  INR3.2
        billion. TRAI also wants new reserve prices set for 5G spectrum
        in  the  800MHz,  900MHz,  1800MHz,  2100MHz,  2300MHz  and
        2500MHz bands. The government still has to finalize the amount
        of  spectrum  to  assign  in  the  600MHz,  3500MHz  and  mmWave
        bands. With the three major operators in the country all conducting
        limited 5G trials, most have called for the government to release
        the necessary spectrum and cut prices. They have reportedly also
        threatened limited participation in the auction depending on the

        Minister Briefs President on Plans to ‘De-Monopolize’ Kazakhtelecom Group

        Kazakhstan’s  Minister  of  Digital  Development  Bagdat  Musin   previously reported by CommsUpdate, the MDAI has scheduled
        has given a briefing to the country’s President Kassym-Zhomart   a  5G  3500MHz  spectrum  license  auction  for  the  end  of  May.
        Tokayev on developments in the telecoms, IT and digitalization   The Minister  also  presented  a  plan  for further development  of
        sectors, including progress in the national strategy to ‘eliminate   the telecommunications  market, in  particular highlighting  that
        digital inequality  and strengthen control over the provision of   ‘work is underway to de-monopolize the group of companies of
        the internet and its quality.’ As reported on the websites of the   Kazakhtelecom’,  adding  that  ‘a  number  of  legislative  initiatives
        Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation & Aerospace Industry   will  be  adopted  to  improve  the  competitive  environment.’  In
        (MDAI) and the President (, in full-year 2021 internet   addition to dominating Kazakhstan’s fixed broadband and fixed
        quality was ‘improved in 628 settlements, and this year similar   voice markets, state-controlled Kazakhtelecom owns two mobile
        work will be carried out in 140 more villages.’ The President was   network  operators  –  Kcell  and  Mobile  Telecom  Service  (Tele2/
        also informed about the successful testing of 5G technology by   Altel)  –  which  collectively  hold  a  near-60%  share  of  national
        mobile operators in Nur-Sultan, Almaty and Shymkent, in advance   cellular  subscriptions,  competing  with  VEON-backed  KaR-Tel
        of planned commercial 5G launches this year in major cities. As   (Beeline).

        Telkom and ICASA End Battle Over South African Spectrum Auctions

        It looks like one of the potential hurdles to the planned licensing of   take its case to court; in particular it gives so-called challenger
        high-demand spectrum in South Africa may have been overcome   operators like Telkom further opportunity to acquire sub-1 GHz
        after the country’s number three operator Telkom ended its legal   spectrum. ICASA said in a separate statement it will commence
        battle with regulator the Independent Communications Authority   with  the  licensing  of  the  unsold  800MHz  spectrum  band  that
        of  South  Africa  (ICASA).  Telkom  reportedly  reached  an  out-of-  was  not sold in last  month's auction  and any other  spectrum
        court settlement with ICASA late last week. Among its complaints   that is presently available for licensing. Reuters points out that
        had been that the spectrum auction process favored big mobile   in the licensing process of the spectrum, ICASA will consider the
        operators  and was  anti-competitive. The  auction  had already   imbalances in this band and the impact of the outcome  of the
        gone ahead – on 17 March – so there was potential for disruption   auction on competition in the mobile market. It will also carry out
        had Telkom’s complaint been upheld. It would certainly have been   an inquiry into the existence of a secondary market for spectrum
        a major blow for a process that was much more successful than   and whether regulatory intervention is required. Is the long wait
        had  been  expected,  raising  nearly  a  billion  dollars  from  the  six   – over 17 years so far – for new spectrum to expand 4G capacity
        bidders taking part. Now however, Telkom seems to be happy that   and roll out 5G finally over? It may be, though the licensing of the
        the settlement addresses the main complaints that led Telkom to   remaining spectrum will not be over until March 2023.

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