Page 108 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2022
P. 108



        The New Economics Of Cellular Backhaul

        Fast, reliable, and aordable broadband internet access provides
        numerous  societal  and  cultural  benefits  including  improved
        economic opportunities, better access to health, education, and
        government services, nearly unlimited entertainment options, and
        much more.
           Rural and remote populations may not have
           reliable internet access for years to come.

        Nearly four billion people  worldwide  still  do not have reliable
        access  to broadband  internet,  and despite  the heroic upgrades
        made  by  network  providers  over  the  past  few  years,  just  50
        percent  of  worldwide  mobile  connections  used  4G  as  of  2020.
        Only  72  percent  of  urban  households  and  37  percent  of  rural
        households  across  the world have broadband access at  home,
        and  in  developing  countries,  these  numbers  are  even  lower  (65
        percent and 28 percent, respectively).

        Technological advancements have made building a cell site easier
        and cheaper than ever before, but the cost of connecting those
        towers to the core network can be  prohibitively high,  given  the
        cost of running fiber to each cell tower. If nothing can be done to
        reduce the price of middle-mile broadband connectivity, the rural
        and remote world will remain unconnected.

                                                                Christophe Bauer
                                                                Vice President, Commercial Sales

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