Page 95 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
P. 95


        Intelsat  Files  C-Band  Spectrum  Transition  Plan  with  FCC  to  Accelerate

        America’s 5G Buildout

        Intelsat,  operator  of the world’s  largest   quality media distribution and contribution   throughout the U.S.
        integrated satellite and terrestrial network,   services – uninterrupted – from the 3.7 to     Intelsat  and other  satellite operators
        today filed its C-band spectrum transition   4.0 gigahertz (GHz) portion of the C-band   participating in the FCC’s  accelerated
        plan with the U.S. Federal Communications   to the 4.0 to 4.2 GHz portion of the band.   C-band  clearing plan are responsible  for
        Commission  (FCC).  “Intelsat  is  filing  its   In addition  to articulating  the  company’s   incurring  the upfront costs associated
        comprehensive transition plan after having   strategy to procure, design,  build  and   with  clearing 300  MHz  of the  spectrum
        spent more than two years proactively   launch seven satellites, Intelsat’s transition   and  moving  their  existing  services  to
        working with  the FCC, our customers,   plan details how the company will:  the upper portion of the band.  Intelsat
        industry stakeholders,  vendors  and other   •  Migrate 80-plus broadcast, cable, radio,   estimates these  upfront investments will
        satellite operators  to create a  clear path   religious and government customers to   cost the company $1.6 to $1.7 billion. In
        for meeting the FCC’s accelerated clearing   the upper 200 megahertz (MHz) of the   addition  to receiving  reimbursement  for
        deadlines and ensuring the U.S. maintains   C-band,  including  the corresponding   reasonable upfront costs associated with
        its  leadership in  5G,” said  Intelsat  Chief   changes required at 3,500 cable head-  clearing the spectrum and  transitioning
        Services Officer Mike DeMarco. “With our   ends and 13,500 affiliate earth stations  incumbent services to the upper portion of
        detailed  plan  finalized  and  our  supply   •  Install 60,000 5G signal-blocking filters   the band, Intelsat is eligible to receive up
        chain engaged, Intelsat looks  forward   across  the  U.S.  in  order  to  mitigate   to $4.87 billion in incentive payments for
        to supporting the FCC in successfully   post-transition interference      successfully  meeting  the  Commission’s
        transitioning the C-band spectrum  and   •  Consolidate multiple telemetry, tracking   accelerated  deadlines of clearing 120
        accelerating  America’s path to 5G – all   and  control  (TT&C)/Gateway  antennas   MHz  of spectrum (3.7  to 3.82 GHz) by
        while safeguarding the high-quality media   into two locations on the East and West   December 5, 2021, and the remaining 180
        broadcast services on which more than   Coasts of the U.S.                MHz  (3.82  to  4.0  GHz)  by  December  5,
        100  million American  households rely.”   •  Contract  with  U.S.-based  companies   2023.  Reimbursements  will  be funded  by
        Earlier this week, Intelsat announced that   USSI   Global,   WESCO,   ATCi   and   the winning bidders of the FCC’s  public
        it has selected U.S. manufacturers, Maxar   Convergent  to perform aspects  of the   C-band auction,  in line with  the FCC’s
        Technologies  and Northrop Grumman,    transition and installation work required   emerging technologies framework.
        to  design and  manufacture satellites   on  the  ground  at thousands  of earth
        required to transition the company’s high-  stations and cable television head-ends

        Satellite Connectivity Supports Ambulance Services in Dubai

                                                               has announced that it is providing always-on satellite connectivity
                                                               to Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services through its partner
                                                               Cygnus Telecom, a provider of customized telecommunications
                                                               and surveillance solutions for business needs, headquartered in
                                                               Dubai. Following the launch of Mobile Laboratory Units by Dubai
                                                               Corporation for Ambulance Services to provide free home-based
                                                               testing for the elderly and people  with  special needs,  Cygnus
                                                               Telecom, the master distributor of Thuraya’s voice solutions, has
                                                               equipped 12 ambulances with Thuraya X5-Touch satellite phones
                                                               so that paramedics remain connected while on duty in the remote
                                                               areas of Dubai  or on  marine  ambulances  at sea. The  Android-
                                                               based Thuraya X5-Touch devices offer various innovative safety
                                                               features useful  for medical responders,  including  advanced
                                                               navigation, tracking and a built-in SOS button for emergencies.
                                                               In  addition to  providing satellite  connectivity,  they  keep users
        Continuing  evidence  of  the  importance  of  wireless  connected over terrestrial telecom networks so that they are also
        telecommunications during the health crisis comes from the UAE,   available on their local mobile numbers.  Thuraya and Cygnus
        where satellite services are playing a part in the UAE’s efforts to   Telecom have long supported medical missions within the Middle
        contain the coronavirus pandemic – in this case through Dubai’s   East  and Africa with satellite-powered  telemedicine  solutions,
        ambulance services. Mobile satellite services company Thuraya   including teleconferencing kits and connected ambulances.

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