Page 86 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
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        mature industrial chains. This is  helping   ideally start in what is called the 100MHz   are increasingly competitive in the  whole
        to push the whole 5G industry forward in   bandwidth, with additional spectrum bands   region  as  well  as  in  Kuwait,  but  speed-
        a  steady and sustainable  way, and has   considered so  that  there is  a  seamless   based and experience-based packages still
        encouraged  the  gathering  of operators,   transition between today’s  networks   have good  space to improve. We believe
        vendors, and vertical industry partners to   and future 5G networks. We have great   that  wireless, speed-based  packages
        jointly explore 5G use cases from around   confidence that this allocation can be done   in particular will  be key  to providing the
        the world.  Today  more than 70  partners   smoothly and will bring the benefits of 5G   stable experiences people expect, and will
        are actively working to bring diverse 5G   to  more  people  and businesses  over the   also have a much shorter time-to-market
        services into the Middle East through that   next 12 months.             compared to fiber.
        program,  while promoting  closed-loop
        business models  between  operators  and   Enabling future digital transformation   Services tailored for businesses are
        partners.                            Knowing  that there is  great momentum   also incredibly  important in the 5G era.
                                             for 5G both globally and in the Middle East   Back  in  August  2019,  stc  launched  the
           As a leader in enabling the       today, I  am  often  asked about what  the   world’s first speed-based 5G Data Access
                                                                                 commercial service,  which  aimed  at
                                             future  holds  for  Kuwait  specifically,  and
           digital  transformation of        what will be stc’s role in that future.   creating high-quality broadband access to
           Kuwait,  we  are constantly       As  a  leader in enabling  the digital   local enterprises. Currently more than 150
                                                                                 businesses are using stc’s 5G data access
           exploring  new  services          constantly  exploring  new  services  and   solution, which features low costs and fast
           and       platforms        that   platforms that  can bring value to  the   time-to-market compared to microwave
           can bring  value  to the          society.  We are  proud that  Kuwait  was   offerings. 5G “Dedicated Access” through
                                                                                 SA  is covering SME’s requirements during
                                             among  the  pioneers  of countries in the
           society. We are proud that        commercialization 5G network  in the   this pandemic  period  and supporting
           Kuwait  was among  the            Middle  East.  stc has led  5G network   top banks’  mobile data  access, such  as
                                                                                 the mobile ATM branch.  Thanks  to 5G
                                             development  and commercialization in
           pioneers  of  countries  in       Kuwait with over 1,750 5G sites, 300Mbps   “Dedicated Access”, users can now directly
           the  commercialization 5G         average service speed, 180,000 TDD users   talk to an NBK Agent using audio and video
           network in the Middle East.       and 20,000 5G users, and over 170TB of 5G   conferencing to conduct transactions like
                                             traffic by May 2020.
                                                                                 issuing a debit card, depositing or cashing
                                                                                 a check, and more.
        Approximately  one  year  on  from  the   For consumers, stc is  the market leader
        first  5G  networks  being  unveiled  in  the   in MIFI  package, which  is designed  to   In  the oil  and gas  sector,  the traditional
        Middle East, we now have a  breadth  of   bring  5G  Giga  experience  to  customers,   solutions  such  a  SCADA data  transfer
        use cases at our fingertips. These include   and 5G indoor  coverage  already started   used in the exploration, drilling, production
        the success of Fixed Wireless Access for   in top malls.    Now stc’s  5G network is   and refinery of oil and gas, are now being
        home,  5G private lines  for businesses,   being  optimized for the 5G smartphone   replaced with 5G-based applications such
        and smart campus enablement networks.   boom, which is expected to accelerate in   as CCTV monitoring, drone inspection, AR
        Many  others  are  being  explored  such  as   Q3  of this  year. The target is  to provide   assistants, and so on. With data security of
        gaming, VR/AR, autonomous vehicles, and   continuous and seamless 5G coverage in   particular importance, 5G MEC support is
        so on. In particular, the combination of   a  network  that will  be heavily  dominated   now a key mandatory requirement for that
        5G  and AI  solutions is  proving  incredibly   by 5G mobile users. Indoor 5G coverage in   industry.
        beneficial  to  the  region.  We  have  seen   top malls has already become a reality, for
        this  in  2020  in  the  context  of  COVID-19   example.. In areas like gaming, stc is also   In short, we feel well prepared to lead 5G
        as  smarter,  5G-enabled  technologies   currently talking to TENCENT on ways to   network development in Kuwait and the
        such as  zero-touch 5G  + AI  temperature   collaborate, and how to guarantee the best   wider Middle East. stc was among the first
        detection,  remote collaboration  systems,   5G network experience for popular games   operators  in the  MENA region  to launch
        and more are helping in the fight against   such  as  PlayerUnknown's  Battlegrounds   a  5G  standalone  network, and  we  will
        the pandemic.                        (a.k.a. PUBG) in Kuwait.            keep improving our services and  delivery
                                                                                 efficiencies,  implement  network  slicing
        While we have clearly built momentum,   For  homes,  a  speed-based  5G  fixed   strategies,  all  while  extending  network
        accelerating  5G  development  across the   wireless solution now empowers homes   capabilities to end-users  in consumer,
        region still  requires  a  concerted effort   with Giga-level internet connections. This   home,  and business  scenarios.  This will
        by governments and policymakers to   is being complemented with the mesh Wi-  ultimately  be centered on product and
        release appropriate and affordable mobile   Fi solution  in order  to provide seamless   solution innovations to enhance the user
        spectrum.  As  per  industry  experts  and   and continuous Giga-throughput coverage   experience.
        proven  experiences  in  other  parts  of   at homes, especially in larger and 2-3
        the world, the spectrum  for 5G should   level homes. Volume-based  packages

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