Page 65 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
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        communications.  The  foundation of an   Leading the way as a Telecom Brand and   5G is a reality today in UAE
        advanced futuristic network was laid during   Operator
        the early 2000s with High-Speed Downlink   The  year  2017  was  significant  with   with  Etisalat’s pioneering
        Packet Access  (HSDPA) technology that   major  successes  in  infrastructure  and   efforts  in  5G  to  enable
        provided  high-speed  internet services   technology for Etisalat, it was the first time   subscribers  to enjoy  and
        through mobile phones  and  mobile data   UAE  was  globally  ranked  as  the  widest
        cards. It was part of the 3G evolution for   FTTH network followed by the opening of   unleash  highly  connective
        mobile  networks  that  followed  the GSM/  a  first  of  a  kind  ‘Open  Innovation  Center’   technologies  blending
        UMTS  track.  This  was  also  a  method  to   in Dubai and Etisalat  being  valued  as
        provide high-speed download to users.   the most valued telecom  operator in the   physical and digital realms
        Fostering  innovation and innovators of   Middle East by Brand Finance. In the same   from AR and  VR to  IoT,
        tomorrow was  always integral  to our   year, we also enhanced  our  international
        overall company philosophy of supporting   connectivity to UAE with AAE-1 submarine   AI,  autonomous  vehicles,
        the youth in leading digital innovations.   cable system.                   advanced       robotics,    3D
        Etisalat   University   became   Khalifa                                    printing, wearable tech and
        University  in  2007  providing  a  platform   Today  Fiber to  the Home (FTTH)  has
        for future technology  innovators and   reached   95.7   percent   across   UAE,   more.
        entrepreneurs. This was followed with the   maintaining the UAE’s position as a global
        launch of the high speed internet service   leader.  This was  only possible due the   partnership with  Microsoft to  deliver the
        (HSPA+) in the year 2010 for the first time   efforts  in building and investing on the   comprehensive and trusted cloud from
        in MENA.                             infrastructure over decades.  In 2011, the   their  first  data  centre  in  the  Middle  East,
                                             foundation of success on the network was   Etisalat  data  centres acquiring    PCI/DSS
           Today Fiber  to  the  Home        laid with the implementation of 4G making   an  international  and  global  certification
           (FTTH)  has reached  95.7         Abu  Dhabi  the  first  capital  fully  covered   guaranteeing   maximum   safety   of
                                                                                 customer data at all times and for quality
                                             with fiber optic.
           percent       across      UAE,                                        the prestigious TL9000 certification.
           maintaining      the     UAE’s    This was  followed by  a  series of   5G  a  reality  for  the  next  generation-
           position     as    a    global    achievements  in  2013  with  cloud  Journey and Achievements
                                             computing services provided to SMEs, first
           leader. This was only             optic layer in 2016 connecting the region   5G is a reality today in UAE with Etisalat’s
           possible  due  the  efforts       with fast internet providing  IoT services   pioneering  efforts in 5G to enable
                                                                                 subscribers  to  enjoy  and  unleash  highly
                                             and establishing an IoT centre.
           in building and investing                                             connective technologies blending physical
           on  the  infrastructure over      Etisalat’s  partnership  and investments   and digital realms from AR and VR to IoT, AI,
                                                                                 autonomous  vehicles,  advanced robotics,
                                             have also given it  a  lead among
           decades.                          competitors and in the region. The strategic   3D printing, wearable tech and more.

                                                                                 Our continuous investments  and focus
                                                                                 on enhancing  and building  one of the
                                                                                 most advanced  networks in the region
                                                                                 have empowered digital transformation
                                                                                 opening  up opportunities  to engage  with
                                                                                 our customers in  new ways.  Innovation
                                                                                 was always at the core of our strategy and
                                                                                 all  our efforts  on enabling  connectivity
                                                                                 based on speed and throughput, mobility,
                                                                                 connected  devices and IoT,  energy
                                                                                 efficiency, latency and reliability.

                                                                                 Etisalat  embarked  on  its  5G  journey  in
                                                                                 2014  when it  started construction  of
                                                                                 the  network with a dedicated team of
                                                                                 engineers  and specialists to  build  one of
                                                                                 the most advanced networks in the region.
                                                                                 In  2015,  the  first  major  5G  project  was
                                                                                 signed with Expo 2020 Dubai as part of the
                                                                                 premier partnership with Etisalat Group to

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