Page 79 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
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           From  governance  standards  to  verification,  we  need  to          Despite  these  achievements,  we  still
                                                                                 have a lot of work to do. Cybersecurity is
           combine  strengths  and  build  our  collective  capabilities.        a  complex,  evolving  challenge.  In  some
           This includes knowledge-sharing  projects  like the  Secu-            cases,  we  still  lack  a  standards-based,
           rity  Baselines  we  released  by  the  time  of  opening  our        coordinated approach across the industry,
                                                                                 especially  when  it  comes  to  governance,
           global Cyber Security and Privacy Protection Transparency             technical  capabilities,  certification,  and
           Centre, and the 5G Cyber Security Knowledge Base led by               collaboration.

           the GSMA.                                                             After  setting  standards  in  place,  we
                                                                                 believe  the  next  step  is  to  establish  an
        There is  an increasing desire from   solutions  and  share  experience,  facilitate   independent  verification  mechanism  to
        many  stakeholders  in  the  region  to   communication  and  joint  innovation,  and   enforce  these  standards.  The  results  of
        work  together  to  build  this  heightened   support  security  testing  and  verification.   such  procedures  should  then  be  made
        level  of  collaboration.  For  example,   Stakeholders across the ICT value chain—  public  so  that  organizations  can  make
        national  cybersecurity  strategies  drawn   regulators, independent third-party testing   better purchasing decisions based on their
        up  by  governments  now  incorporate   organizations, standards organizations, as   security requirements. In parallel, feedback
        contributions from security experts in the   well  as  Huawei  customers,  partners,  and   from  third  parties  and  security  experts
        private sector, technology companies, and   suppliers—are  encouraged  to  carry  out   will  benefit  everyone.  They  can  point  out
        academia, in addition to policymakers. As   in-depth exchanges to improve the entire   gaps and areas of improvement, allowing
        just one example, Huawei has been invited   industry's security capabilities.  technology companies to strengthen their
        to sit on numerous national and regional                                 hardware and software products.
        panels, action groups, and think tanks to   Of course, these cybersecurity assurance
        jointly contribute to various cybersecurity   systems  are  not  developed  in  a  vacuum.   We  need  to  build  these  capabilities
        initiatives.  We  are  eager  to  support  and   They're  the  result  of  regular  engagement   together.  No  organization  can  tackle
        encourage such initiatives.          and  joint  research  and  innovation  with   them  all.  From  governance  standards  to
                                             our  customers,  partners,  regulators,  and   verification, we need to combine strengths
        This   level   of   collaboration   relies   standards   organizations   around   the   and  build  our  collective  capabilities.  This
        on   transparency.   Enterprises   and   world.  That's  what  this  Cyber  Security   includes  knowledge-sharing  projects  like
        governments must believe in the integrity   Transparency Centre is all about.  the Security Baselines we released by the
        of the technologies that they are deploying.                             time of opening our global Cyber Security
        We  at  Huawei  are  committed  to  building   It  is  through  such  ventures  that  we   and  Privacy  Protection  Transparency
        this  openness  and  transparency,  as   realize   governments   and   industry   Centre,  and  the  5G  Cyber  Security
        demonstrated  most  recently  in  our   organizations  must  work  together  on   Knowledge  Base  led  by  the  GSMA.  The
        expanding network of global Cyber Security   unified  cybersecurity  standards  to  build   more  knowledge  and  best  practices
        and  Privacy  Protection  Transparency   transparency   across   society.   These   we  share,  the  more  effectively  we  can
        Centres.  On  June  9,  Huawei  opened  the   standards  should  be  technology-neutral   strengthen cybersecurity as a community.
        largest  of  such  transparency  centers  in   and  apply  equally  to  all  companies  and   Ultimately,  this  will  be  realized  by
        Dongguan, China, which joins a network of   networks.  In  the  telecoms  sector,  for   forming  tighter  coalitions.  That  means
        similar facilities in the UAE, the UK, Canada,   example, industry organizations like GSMA   governments,  standards  bodies,  and
        Germany, Italy, and Belgium.         and  3GPP  have  been  working  closely   technology  providers  working  to  develop
                                             with  industry  stakeholders  to  promote   a  unified  understanding  of  cybersecurity
        The  Transparency  Centre  provides  a   NESAS Security Assurance Specifications   challenges. This must be an international
        platform for industry stakeholders to face   and  independent  certifications.  These   effort. With these shared goals and aligned
        the  challenges  of  tomorrow  and  provide   baselines  have  seen  wide  acceptance,   responsibilities, we can build a trustworthy
        a  platform  for  industry  stakeholders  to   and we're confident that they will play an   digital  environment  that  meets  the
        share  expertise  in  cyber  governance  and   important  role  in  the  development  and   challenges of today and tomorrow.
        work  on  technical  solutions  together.   verification of secure networks.
        The center  is  designed  to demonstrate

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