Page 75 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
P. 75


                                              WHOLESALE NEWS

        EE Brings EU Roaming Charges Back

        UK  mobile  operator  EE  announced  plans   month.  Kester  Mann,  director  consumer   the bad old days”, even though the move
        to charge customers more for using their   and  connectivity  at  CCS  Insight  said  the   would not be well received by customers.
        plans in Europe from January 2022, making   reintroduction of roaming charges reflect-  “EE  has  handed  on  a  plate  a  clear  mar-
        it the first operator to reintroduce roaming   ed a failure “to stem the long-term decline   keting opportunity to rivals. It would have
        fees  following  the  country’s  trade  deal   in  average  consumer  spend  amid  heavy   had to carefully calculate that the upside
        with  the  European  Union  (EU).  BT-owned   investment in networks”. However, he add-  outweighs any potential reputational dam-
        EE said those joining or upgrading with the   ed a £2 per day charge was a “far cry from   age,” he added.
        operator from 7 July 2021 would be on the
        hook for a £2 extra charge to use their tar-
        iff allowances in 47 EU destinations from
        January 2022. In 2017, legislation was in-
        troduced  across  the  bloc  putting  an  end
        to operators charging customers extra to
        use their tariff plans in EU countries. Those
        rules notably no longer apply to EE, Voda-
        fone  UK,  3  UK  and  O2,  following  Brexit.
        However, following the signing of a trade
        deal between the UK and EU in January, all
        four operators stated they had no plans to
        reintroduce roaming fees. EE explained its
        change  of  course  would  “support  invest-
        ment into our UK based customer service
        and  leading  UK  network”.  Its  announce-
        ment comes after it was rumored O2 was
        going to be the first to pull the trigger on
        EU roaming charges. However, it only in-
        troduced  a  fair  use  data  cap  of  25GB  a

        Vodafone UK Follows EE By Bringing Roaming Fees Back

        Vodafone  UK  became  the  latest  operator   policy of 25GB of roaming data per month   in  its  networks,  pointing  to  openRAN,  its
        in the country to reintroduce roaming fees   will  also  apply.  Existing  customers  will   shared rural initiative, 5G standalone fiber
        for users travelling in Europe, following ri-  not be affected while they remain on their   broadband  and  its  converged  offerings.
        val EE, with new and upgrading customers   current price plan, added Essam. Roaming   Tech, media and telco analyst at PP Fore-
        on the hook for extra charges from 2022.   will also remain inclusive in the Republic   sight Paolo Pescatore believes the “harsh
        In  a  blog,  Vodafone  UK  CEO  Ahmed  Es-  of Ireland for all customers. Vodafone be-  realities of Brexit are becoming more evi-
        sam explained it was adopting a new ap-  comes the second UK operator after EE to   dent” and it was the “gift that keeps on tak-
        proach to roaming across its Europe Zone,   backtrack on a pledge made in January not   ing”. “Wholesale roaming rates will change
        with subscribers facing at least a £1 daily   to reintroduce roaming fees in Europe fol-  given the UK’s exit and this in turn will in-
        charge. Terms and conditions on roaming   lowing the country’s exit from the Europe-  evitably drive higher prices without EU pro-
        will change from 11 August, although the   an Union. EE stated in June it would charge   tection. It’s a pretty easy decision for UK
        charges will not be applied until 6 January   new  or  upgrading  customers  £2  to  use   telcos,” he added. O2 UK and 3 UK have yet
        2022. Affected customers have the option   their  tariff  allowances  in  47  EU  destina-  to reintroduce roaming fees, beyond data
        of  paying  £2  a  day  to  use  their  tariffs  in   tions, also from January 2022. Essam said   fair use limits.
        Europe, or £1 per day if bought as part of   Vodafone  changed  “the way we offering
        weekly or fortnightly bundles. Its fair use   roaming” to enable it to continue to invest

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