Page 63 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
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in relation to human capital with the aim participating in delivering 5G connectivity partners. For example, Cloud CCTV, Cloud
of transforming Kuwait into a financial enhancements in response to enterprise PBX, 5G SmartBus, Smart Education/
and trade hub, both regionally and demand. The Company has also been Virtual VR Classrooms, advanced drone
internationally. The objective of this supporting the government in improving solutions for security and surveillance,
movement is to distinguish Kuwait as an fixed broadband penetration, especially for and Cloud Call Center solutions . 5G
attractive location for investors in the long enterprise segments, across Kuwait with enterprise solutions target enabling secure
term . the aid of complementary Fixed Wireless & smart city services to citizens, and assist
Access (FWA) capability of 5G, such as: 5 verticals in innovating and generating new
stc has been keen to accelerate 1. 5G Dedicated Data Access (DDA) businesses in untapped markets.
digitalization usage by democratizing connecting locations, providing
5G to help consumers, as well as various services, and dedicating reliable speeds stc has been participating in
public and private enterprises of all sizes, up to 50 Mbps
gain affordable access with ease to a 2. Dedicated Internet Access (DIA) delivering 5G connectivity
wide range of digital services. Access obtaining internet speeds up to enhancements in response
to these solutions is made available 100Mbps to enterprise demand.
through different types of 5G compatible 3. Dedicated Access Backup Solution with
devices at a range of prices, along with 5G a constant speed that can provide a The Company has also
enabled mobile and internet packages at dedicated connection to any location been supporting the
competitive rates. Efforts of accelerating with different speeds as an alternative
5G development have been implemented support for a primary connectivity type. government in improving
by introducing competitive offerings fixed broadband pene-
through 5G mobile internet packages that stc also has taken a co-innovation
include: approach with local & international tration, especially for
1. Special discounts for early adopters of businesses to develop the future utilization enterprise segments,
5G who subscribed at the launch in May of 5G. The Company is only at the beginning across Kuwait with the aid
2019 of the 5G journey which will evolve into the
2. Unifying all 4G and 5G plans and prices, introduction of new digital products and of complementary Fixed
3. Upgrading legacy plans to 5G free of solution inspired and developed based on Wireless Access (FWA)
charge, 5G technology. Some of which include:
4. Handpicked and offered only the best 5G 1. A 5G deep coverage solution over Sub- capability of 5G
devices for best customer experience 3Ghz spectrum bands (i.e. 2.1Ghz) to
allow smoother access to Voice over 5G Meanwhile, stc has been sponsoring key
It is evident that the 5G experience NR (VoNR) collaborative applications, business-to-business (B2B) events to
paves the way for new immersive mobile 5G Carrier Aggregation (CA) services create a platform for helping small and
experiences, combining 360° cloud-based and mass deployment for Internet of medium enterprises grow and develop
Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality Thing (IoT), as well as Machine-to- their projects, businesses and facilitate
(VR), enhanced consumer everyday Machine (M2M) services. their digital transactions. The Company
communication, 4K/8K ultra-high- 2. Implementation of 5G Standalone aims to create an interactive environment
definition (UHD) entertainment, content (5G SA) architecture, a native cloud and highlight the commercial exchange
and cloud gaming, access to everyday connectivity-supported & secured opportunities between enterprises and
online education, distance learning, platform, and Advanced Business leading companies in the private sector,
and training or telemedicine services to Support Systems to empower Edge including the enterprises amongst
manage distance work in aid of high quality Native Cloud that enables service themselves. This serves as a key factor that
streaming of collaborative applications aggregation near subscriber premises, encourages the exchange of knowledge,
without experience interruption. enterprise campus scenarios, real-time innovative tactics and provides the best
data processing in industrial control, offers to project owners.
Aside from the consumer market, stc autonomous driving, and offering
has been working on building a new innovative Network-as-a-Service model stc’s goal is to cooperate with key 5G eco-
5G ecosystem with the collaboration capable of integrating with different system owners and build a collaborative
of different 5G value chain players to 3rd parties APIs, and utilizing DevOps environment with the private and public
embrace all industry sectors of the Kuwait Tools to suit wide-ranges of industry sectors to motivate the development of 5G
economy, and provide more accessible 5G transformations. usage cases, enable entrepreneurial digital
to different verticals. This will open a world markets, and explore multi-sided business
of possibilities for all sectors, including Nevertheless, multiple innovative industry models capable of delivering smart city
education, industry, healthcare, media, applications have been made by stc in services to citizens in line with Kuwait
transportation, and utilities. stc has been collaboration with the 5G ecosystem 2035 vision.
63 JUN-AUG 2021