Page 60 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
P. 60


        86% of Consumers in Bahrain Switch to e-Commerce

        About 86% of consumers in Bahrain have switched to the world   Africa Sitecore, said that turning 86% of consumers digitally to
        of  e-commerce  since  the  start  of  the  coronavirus  (COVID-19)   the world of e-commerce in Bahrain shows that the Kingdom is
        pandemic,  and  they  want  to  continue  to  buy  everything  online.   witnessing fast turnaround from traditional stores to e-commerce
        This was confirmed by Sitecore, the leading global company in   and hybrid models. “Young consumers are quickly shifting their
        the  field  of  digital  experience  management  software.  Since  the   significant purchasing power to the internet, which means there
        start  of  the  pandemic,  86%  of  IT  decision-makers  in  Bahrain   is  still  pressure  on  retailers  to  be  able  to  give  shoppers  a  rich
        say their consumers are willing to leave the online store and go   and joyful shopping experience,” he added. Brands in Bahrain are
        for another alternative if they can’t find what they want in a few   taking a variety of measures to improve the shopping experience.
        clicks.  About  87%  of  respondents  agreed  that  consumers  have   A majority of 85% of brands ranked apps or websites that work
        less patience with websites that are slow or not working properly.   well  on  mobile  devices  in  their  top  three  options  for  improving
        Said Mohamed Kuhtani, Vice President for the Middle East and   customer experience.

        Libya, Egypt Discuss Establishing Joint Company to Achieve Full Digital


        The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Telecom Holding   the two countries”. The two sides also discussed the mechanism
        Company,  Faisal  Qarqab,  has  held  a  meeting  with  the  Egyptian   of establishing the Libyan-Egyptian company, which will be con-
        ambassador to Libya, to follow up on the agreements that were   cerned with putting the necessary initiatives under implementa-
        signed in the field of communications, technology, training and   tion, and laying the foundations for Libyan-Egyptian investment
        development,  during  the  visit  of  the  delegation  of  leaders  from   programs in the field of technology industry and localization, in
        Libya’s information and communications technology (ICT) sector   an  effort  to  reach  a  complete  digital  transformation  in  the  two
        to Egypt last June. During the meeting, Qarqab praised the joint   countries.  Last  June,  the  Telecom  Holding  Company  signed  4
        cooperation  between  Libya  and  Egypt  in  the  field  of  communi-  memoranda of understanding with the Egyptian Telecom Compa-
        cations and information technology, saying “we look forward to   ny in the areas of digital transformation, postal services, capacity
        this cooperation reaching us in twinning several projects between   building and entrepreneurship, as well as technology localization.

        IT & Telecom Ministry Launches ‘Smart Village Project’ in Pakistan

        The Ministry of IT and Telecommunication on Wednesday through   cross-sector  collaboration  and  multi-stakeholder  engagement
        the Universal Service Fund (USF) launched a “Smart Village” proj-  to  further  improve  cost-effectiveness  and  sharing  of  resources
        ect in four provinces, Islamabad and Gilgit-Baltistan. The project   and expertise in delivering the services to citizens. Initially, one
        will be funded and technically supported by the International Tele-  Smart Village will be established each at Islamabad, Punjab, Ba-
        communication Union and Huawei Technologies Pakistan. Under   lochistan, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Gilgit-Baltistan”. The
        the project a center to be set up in a backward village equipped   Minister  said  that  the  National  Information  Technology  Board
        with modern facilities from which not only the people of the area   (NITB) launched more than 30 mobile applications, government
        will be trained to use IT facilities but also, they will be encouraged   web portals and websites related to public services. He said that
        to incorporate it in their daily life. The Federal Secretary Ministry   the effects of the steps taken under the Digital Pakistan Vision are
        of IT and Telecommunication Muhammad Sohail Rajput, the CEO   now beginning to show. We have started the first e-cabinet, work-
        USF  Haaris  Mahmood  Chaudhary,  the  Area  Representative  for   ing on E-Parliament, E-Office and Internet Voting also. The federal
        Southeast Asia, International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Dr.   minister congratulated the teams of USF, ITU & Huawei and en-
        Ismail Shah, and the CEO Huawei Mark Meng were also present   sured his support in the implementation of the project. Syed Amin
        on the occasion. While addressing the inaugural ceremony of the   Ul Haque also said that the Ministry of IT and Telecommunication
        ‘Smart Village Project’, Syed Amin Ul Haque said “Smart Village   will continue to undertake more challenging and productive pro-
        project is another step towards realizing Prime Minister’s vision   grams in the future for the promotion of IT and Telecommunica-
        of  Digital  Pakistan.  The  Ministry  of  IT  and  Telecommunication   tion related services. Sharing his thoughts at the ceremony, the
        through USF is partnering with ITU and Huawei to digitally trans-  CEO USF Haaris Mahmood Chaudhary said “Smart Village project
        form remote and rural communities by connecting and empower-  is consistent with USF’s mission to empower the unserved and
        ing them through better access to a range of digital services in the   underserved communities. This partnership will permit USF, ITU,
        domain of health, education, commerce, and livelihood. The project   and Huawei to mutually serve their mission.”
        emphasizes on the whole-of-government approach and promote
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