Page 59 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
P. 59
Saudi Arabia Among the Top Ten Countries in the World for IPv6 Adoption
The Communications and Information government and private sector players in delight with the announcement, “We are
Technology Commission (CITC) announced Saudi Arabia to adopt the newest protocol proud of the growth in the percentage
a 50% increase in IPv6 adoption compared version. The commission formed the of IPv6 users in the Kingdom, following
to 2020 placing the Kingdom among the “IPv6 Taskforce”, including public and concerted efforts by CITC to raise
top ten countries in the world and the private sector members, which provides awareness and encourage adoption of this
first in the Middle East for the adoption of an opportunity for information exchange, latest protocol. We had great cooperation
the most modern version of the internet unifies efforts to achieve common goals, from operators and other government
protocol. Internet protocols provide an and supports the adoption of IPv6 in the and private sector organizations and the
identification for devices connected to the Kingdom. In addition, CITC organized results were that by 50% increase in IPv6
network to route traffic across the Internet. workshops and training programs, hosted adoption compared to 2020 ), placing
IPv6 is the most recent version of internet by local and international experts in IPv6. KSA in the top ten countries in the world
protocol, which has more advanced and The commission also published an IPv6 and first among the Middle East. We are
better features than the earlier version guideline including practical information on extremely proud of this achievement and
IPv4. Through a winning strategy, CITC how to activate the new version of internet will continue to work hard to turn Saudi
has been raising awareness on the protocol in the Kingdom. Mohammed Al- Arabia into a digital society.”
importance of IPv6 and encouraging major Tamimi, governor of CITC, expressed his
Saudi Arabia Awarded Highest ICT Regulatory Classification by ITU
initiatives for collaborative regulation
with all stakeholders in the Kingdom's
digital ecosystem include the Kingdom's
Digital Economy Policy, the creation of the
Digital Government Authority, the launch of
pioneering regulatory sandbox projects, the
Fixed Broadband Open Access initiative,
the adoption of the WiFi-6 becoming the
first country in the EMEA region to do so,
and the launch of the “CITC Roadmap
for Commercial and Innovative Use of
Frequency Spectrum 2021-2023", among
Saudi Arabia has been upgraded to the generation regulation (G5), the highest level others. "The ITU's G5 classification is one of
status of fifth-generation (G5) regulator of regulatory framework in which regulatory the biggest indicators of success for Saudi
by the International Telecommunications agencies collaborate with a wide range of Arabia's digital ecosystem to date, and
Union (ITU), the United Nations specialized stakeholders to develop a harmonized we thank our partners and stakeholders
agency overseeing all matters related approach across sectors now reliant on across sectors for their contributions
to information and communication ICT. The Communications and Information to this significant achievement and for
technologies (ICT). The announcement Technology Commission's (CITC) recent embracing a spirit of togetherness in
was made during the Global Symposium transformation from a telecom regulator this digital era," said Mohammed Al
for Regulators' virtual event. Saudi Arabia's to a digital regulator has paved the way Tamimi, Governor of CITC. He also noted,
new G5 classification is a testimony to the for the next generation of ICT regulation “Saudi Arabia's ICT sector has become a
Kingdom's maturity as a world-class digital in the Kingdom. CITC has launched significant player regionally and globally,
nation. The ITU's ICT Regulatory Tracker several initiatives enabling a cross- witnessing rapid transformation driven
is a tool used to classify the maturity of sectoral regulatory environment, boosting by flexible, incentive-based, innovative
ICT regulatory frameworks across 193 investments in the sector and supporting regulations. In just five years, we've
countries. It is made up of 50 indicators innovation and digital transformation witnessed internet speeds increase by
divided into four pillars: regulatory across adjacent sectors. The achievement 1,589%. The ITU has praised the Kingdom
authority, regulatory mandate, regulatory of the "gold standard" for policy and for effectively overcoming digital-related
regime, and competition framework. regulatory collaboration came two years challenges, displaying one of the world's
The tool tracks countries' progress from ahead of the 2023 target date outlined in highest levels of organizational maturity,
first-generation regulation (G1), in which the Kingdom's ICT Sector Strategy 2023, while supporting proactive innovation, the
regulated public monopolies employ a and only one year after being classified as adoption of emerging technology, and the
command-and-control approach, to fifth- a fourth-generation regulator. Significant growth of the digital economy.
59 JUN-AUG 2021