Page 52 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
P. 52


                                                REGIONAL NEWS

        Abu Dhabi Ranks Among Top 3 Fastest 5G Capitals Worldwide

        United Arab Emirates (UAE) capital Abu Dhabi ranks  best in world class talent and global   tinue to harness all our resources to
        among  the  fastest  capitals  globally  in  the  5G  net-  conglomerates  from  across  sectors   facilitate the business sector as well
        work index with the fastest median download speeds  showcasing  the  significance  of  an   as  individual  customers  in  the  UAE
        (421.26Mbps) in the first half of 2021, according to  advanced  state-of-the-art  telecom   to  benefit  from  5G  technology  and
        the latest data from Ookla®, a global leader in fixed  infrastructure  contributing  to  UAE’s   contribute towards economic growth
        broadband and mobile network testing applications,  economic  growth  and  leadership  on   and  prosperity.”  Another  noteworthy
        data and analysis. This recent achievement is yet an-  a global platform.” Eng. Hatem Dow-  achievement recorded in the UAE was
        other feather in the UAE’s cap as not only Abu Dhabi  idar,  CEO,  Etisalat  Group,  said:  “This   both  Abu  Dhabi  (421.26Mbps)  and
        has emerged among the top three fastest 5G capitals  remarkable achievement for the UAE   Dubai  (417.07  Mbps)  median  down-
        in the world, but is also home to the fastest mobile  reflects the ongoing efforts of Etisalat   load  speeds  featuring  in  the  special
        network on earth on an overall basis. Majed Sultan Al  and its investments to build one of the   ‘Global  5G  Benchmark  Report’  that
        Mesmar, Director General of the Telecommunications  most  advanced  5G  networks  in  the   focused on major cities globally mea-
        and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA),  region and the world. The deployment   suring  5G  performance  and  avail-
        said: “This global achievement is a testimony to UAE  of  5G  across  industries  and  sectors   ability  in  the  first  half  of  2021.  This
        leadership’s vision and commitment in bringing the  leads the way  to digital transforma-  ranking is attributed to the long-term
        country to the forefront taking a lead in the ICT sec-  tion in UAE, pushing it to the forefront   planning and investment of both op-
        tor while being the most advanced country in digital  with a network that is future ready for   erators in the rapid deployment of 5G
        innovation. 5G is a huge leap forward and a powerful  the  next  generation  of  mobile  tech-  sites and jointly working with regula-
        catalyst for digital transformation bringing new op-  nologies.  “The  continuous  support   tory authorities to assign the needed
        portunities to various industries and the country. The  and  wise  leadership  of  the  UAE  has   spectrum to cater for the demand of
        availability and access to the super-fast speeds on  played  a  critical  role  throughout  Eti-  high capacity in cities. An end-to-end
        5G is a huge accomplishment that reflects the con-  salat's  journey  and  the  development   participation  and  preparation  from
        tinuous efforts of both operators and their innovative  of the telecom sector, setting a great   both  operators  supported  the  ear-
        approach during today’s extraordinary times ,Hence,  motivation for us to continue deploy-  ly adoption of new technologies and
        I would like to thank the service providers in the UAE  ing the latest innovative technologies   enabled swifter customer experience
        (Etisalat  and  Du)  for  their  efforts  in  deploying  5G  and enriching the digital experience of   enhancements as well as meeting re-
        networks,  which  contributed  to  this  achievement.”  customers  while  transforming  com-  quirements of international standards
        “With  the  UAE  leading  as  the  fastest  fixed  network  munities.” Fahad Al Hassawi, CEO of   from  the  International  Telecommu-
        in MEA and fastest mobile network globally, this fur-  Emirates Integrated Telecommunica-  nication Union (ITU)/ 3rd Generation
        ther highlights the country’s readiness to attract the  tions  Company  (EITC),  said:  “As  we   Partnership  Project  (3GPP).  With
                                                     continue our relentless efforts to ex-  vertical  and  horizontal  city  expan-
                                                     pand the 5G network across the UAE,   sion  in  the  UAE,  high  mobile  indoor
                                                     we  are  proud  to  celebrate  this  mile-  penetration  enhancement  enabled
                                                     stone  achievement  made  possible   the  deployment  of  in-building  solu-
                                                     with the  support of all stakeholders.   tions and small cells for better mobile
                                                     du aims to upgrade the telecommuni-  availability anytime, everywhere. The
                                                     cations sector and develop digital in-  5G network also made it possible to
                                                     frastructure in line with the directives   experience  and  access  data  heavy
                                                     of UAE leadership to consolidate the   applications  in  the  country.  This
                                                     position of the UAE as a global center   transformed  the  telecom  network  to
                                                     for  technology,  innovation  and  busi-  a state-of-the-art infrastructure, sup-
                                                     ness.  “5G  technology,  and  its  enor-  porting  emerging  technologies  such
                                                     mous  potential,  is  key  to  pioneering   as IoT, cloud, big data, AI, robotics and
                                                     the digital economy and keeping pace   AR/VR supporting transformation in a
                                                     with the requirements of smart trans-  digitally disrupted and fully connect-
                                                     formation,  as  it  supports  a  variety   ed world. Both operators Etisalat and
                                                     of  solutions,  applications  and  other   du were continuously involved in fo-
                                                     technologies  that enable  better ser-  cused  studies  on  network  readiness
                                                     vices to residents and business com-  and handsets to provide a seamless
                                                     munities. Our mission at du is to con-  customer experience.

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