Page 49 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
P. 49



        Etisalat Carrier & Wholesale: An Enabler of Transformation

        in the New Normal

                                                          The  telecom  industry  in  the  past  year  has  embraced  innovation  and
                                                          technology, helping them  launch and define products/services to create
                                                          a  market  differentiation  and  bring  digital  transformation.  During  the
                                                          post-COVID era in the new normal, the telecom wholesale community
                                                          has done the same, as they are the enabler/provider of inter-connectivity
                                                          between networks and entities, capacity services, access, exchange of
                                                          traffic, delivery and data centre services, continuing to play a pivotal role
                                                          in the future.

                                                             With Etisalat’s vision to ‘Drive the digital future
                                                             to empower societies’ has led its network to join
                                                             one of the most robust and digitally equipped,
                                                             showcasing  infrastructure  preparedness  and
                                                             ability to adapt and implement during today’s
                                                             extraordinary times.

                                                          Ali  Amiri,  Group  Chief  Carrier  and  Wholesale  Officer,  Etisalat,  said:
                                                          “During  COVID-19,  it  was  evident  that  wholesale  business  played  a
                                                          critical role in making things work for the world. We witnessed its ability
                                                          to accommodate the surge in data and SMS traffic which was triggered
                                                          by a huge increase of all kinds of online activities such as e-commerce,
                                                          gaming, remote work/study, video collaboration, etc. All these were made
                                                          possible by having a well- established wholesale eco-system.”
        Ali Amiri
        Chief Carrier & Wholesale Officer                 “The  focus  moved  towards  working  closely  with  cloud  players,  API
        Etisalat Group                                    enabled  collaboration  and  striking  the  right  partnerships.  With  future
                                                          telcos looking at optimising connectivity, wholesalers had to enable this
                                                          for them, as connectivity and infrastructure is the backbone to make this
                                                          a reality.”

                                                          Etisalat telecom wholesale drives digitalisation
                                                          With  communication  and  connectivity  gaining  more  significance  and
                                                          demand more than ever during the pandemic, telcos play a critical role
                                                          in  closing  this  gap  of  digital  readiness  by  becoming  the  engines  of
                                                          resilience  and  innovation.  Moving  ahead,  network  modernisation  and
                                                          digital transformation are required to bring this change to society.

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