Page 135 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
P. 135



        Digital Disruption

                                                               The  digital  revolution  that  we  see  evolve  in  front  of  our  eyes,
                                                               has  applications  and  systems  that  are  collecting,  distributing
                                                               and  making  available  massive  amounts  of  data  to  almost  any
                                                               situation, which can be reproduced infinitely at virtually zero cost
                                                               and  used  for  significant  productivity  gains.  The  impact  of  this
                                                               digital revolution will have on society and economies is likely to be
                                                               as dramatic, if not bigger than the previous industrial revolutions.
                                                               The World Economic Forum estimates point to more than US$10
                                                               trillion of value from digitization in five key global industries over
                                                               the next decade.  In 2018, McKinsey Global Institute, estimated
                                                               that an additional $13 trillion could be added to global GDP by
                                                               2030 through digitization, automation, and Artificial Intelligence
                                                               (AI). 2

                                                                  To  transform  the  organization,  requires  a
                                                                  break out from the old model, old people,
                                                                  old  metrics  and  old  investment  profiles.
                                                                  Digital  transformation  is  not  just  about
                                                                  bringing  cross-functional  teams  and  IT

                                                                  systems together, but also about bringing
                                                                  cross-functional data together.

                                                               What’s new?
                                                               Digitization of businesses is not new, although it is taking on a new
        Dr. Vagadia                                            dimension as we see the convergence of emerging technologies
                                                               and innovative business and operating models emerge. Whilst there
                                                               has been much change and in a short period of time, this is only
                                                               the beginning. This so-called fourth machine age is just emerging
                                                               with further advances in digital technologies/computing and, more
                                                               importantly, their convergence, driven by Internet of Things (IOT),
                                                               Artificial Intelligence (AI), and high-speed ubiquitous connectivity
                                                               (5G).  It  would  be  wrong  to  assume  that  this  new  revolution  is
                                                               only driven by data. Whilst data is a fundamental enabler for this
                                                               fourth revolution, it is disruption through engineering and physics
                                                               such as miniaturization, nanotechnologies, energy storage, etc.,
                                                               which cannot be overlooked. The most significant advancements

        1  World Economic Forum. (2017). Digital transformation initiative telecommunications industry. The five key global industries are: E-commerce (US$3.1
        trillion), Automotive (US$2.6 trillion), Logistics (US$2.1 trillion), Electricity (US$1.5 trillion), Media and Entertainment (US$0.7 trillion).
        2  Assessing the economic impact of artificial intelligence. ITU Trends. Issue Paper No. 1. September 2018.

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