Page 128 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
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        Because  we  believe  that  knowledge  is  a  right  for  everyone,  we   to-the-home (FTTH) connectivity in the world, and modernizing
        changed the camp regulatory system and allowed participation   the  network  to  offer  the  best  in  class  telecom  services.  Both
        from  outside  the  country.  Therefore,  our  virtual  camp  is  one  of   operators launched specialized packages and promotions giving
        many projects that started locally, then soon became global. On   customers an opportunity to enjoy higher speeds in their home.
        this occasion, I would like to thank and appreciate our partners   There  were  further  improvements  and  upgrades  made  on  the
        in  this  ambitious  social  project.  I  extend  a  special  thanking  to   network capacity while also boosting international data capacity
        parents, who played an essential role to achieve this wonderful   to enable consumers with the best experience when they, learn,
        success.” The closing ceremony agenda included announcement   work and get entertained from home. (July 17, 2021)
        of winners in the general course and advanced course (Top6). The
        student explained their projects. Winners of the advanced course   President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan has
        (Bottom 6). TDRA has honored parents for their great efforts to   issued  a  Federal  Decree  appointing  Majed  Sultan  Al  Mesmar
        help their children and achieve success of the camp. The camp   as  the  Director-General  of  the  Telecommunications  and  Digital
        is held virtually for the second year in a row, to complement the   Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA). Al Mesmar has served
        successful experience witnessed last year, in compliance with the   as the Deputy Director-General of the Telecommunications Sector
        precautionary  measures  to  protect  participating  students  from   since  joining  TDRA  in  2010.  He  holds  a  Bachelor  of  Science
        COVID-19. This round is a continuation of the successes achieved   in  Electrical  Engineering.  Al  Mesmar  has  profound  working
        by TDRA in previous camps, and an example of its commitment   experience  of  more  than  30  years  in  telecommunications  and
        to its social responsibilities towards students in the UAE society.   regulation,  holding  various  senior-level  management  posts  at
        It provided them with the necessary skills related to smart city,   several telecom operators locally, regionally and internationally,
        safe use of technology, social communication, innovative design,   such as Etisalat Group’s Senior Vice President – Special Projects
        creativity, future shaping and other activities. (August 24, 2021)  (UAE), Chief Technical Officer at Mobily (Saudi Arabia) and Chief
                                                               Operating Officer at Etisalat DB Telecom India Pvt Ltd. Since 2017,
        UAE is the only country from the Middle East and Africa (MEA)   Al Mesmar has been the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the
        region among the illustrious list of top 20 countries globally in   ICT Fund. He is also an active participant in many international
        the  fixed  broadband  index  with  the  fastest  average  download   events,  including  those  of  the  International  Telecommunication
        speeds in May 2021, according to the latest data from Ookla®,   Union (ITU), and was elected as Chairman of the Plenipotentiary
        a  global  leader  in  fixed  broadband  and  mobile  network   Conference 2018 (PP18), which is the highest authority in the ITU.
        testing  applications,  data  and  analysis.  Commenting  on  this   He  also  chaired  the  World  Summit  on  the  Information  Society
        achievements H.E Eng. Majed Sultan Al Mesmar Director General   (WSIS)  in  2018,  and  represented  the  UAE  in  several  Summit
        of  the  Telecommunications  and  Digital  Government  Regulatory   sessions. Al Mesmar succeeds Hamad Obaid Al Mansoori, who
        Authority-TDRA said: “This global achievement is a testimony to   was  once  acting  as  TDRA’s  Director-General.  Talal  Humaid
        UAE leadership’s vision and commitment in bringing the country   Belhoul,  Chairman  of  TDRA’s  Board  of  Directors,  praised  and
        to  the  forefront  taking  a  lead  in  the  ICT  sector  while  being  the   recognized the major role played by Hamad Obaid Al Mansoori
        most advanced country in digital transformation. With the joint   and his remarkable efforts in developing the performance of TDRA
        efforts of both operators we aim to bring the UAE among the top   and strengthening its leadership and outstanding position among
        10 globally in the Speed test Global Index from Ookla. This will   government entities in the UAE. Belhoul also commended what
        uplift the national performance, enabling the ICT aspirations of   TDRA  has  achieved  during  recent  years  in  establishing  UAE’s
        the leadership. I hereby thank telecom service providers in the UAE   place as a leading country in the ICT sector. "Over the last period
        for their relentless efforts towards this achievement, which is part   and  under  the  management  of  Hamad  Al  Mansoori,  TDRA  has
        of UAE's preparations for the age of Fourth Industrial Revolution   made  great  strides  not  only  in  the  telecommunications  sector,
        and the Artificial Intelligence” UAE reached an average download   but also in digital transformation, as it aptly played its regulatory
        speed of 180 Mbps in May 2021, from the January 2021 average   and  enabling  role,  in  line  with  strategic  variables  and  general
        of  125Mbps  in  the  fixed  broadband  SpeedtestTM  results.  This   trends of the UAE. TDRA has been a strong supporter of UAE’s
        massive increase was mainly due to the corporate program and   efforts  towards  realizing  the  concepts  of  4IR,  smart  cities  and
        initiatives taken by Etisalat and du in 2021 to boost UAE’s fixed   development based on the digital knowledge economy," he said.
        broadband ranking. This led to a significant rise in the country’s   (July 14, 2021)
        broadband ranking, thrusting the UAE by 12 positions from 28th
        rank in January 2021 to 16th in the global index in May 2021, to   The  Telecommunications  and  Digital  Government  Regulatory
        be among the top 20 countries globally, whilst UAE was ranked   Authority  (TDRA)  has  been  awarded  the  Best  Entity  Award  for
        first on the index in the wider MEA region. The high speeds on the   the  “Best  Procurement  Team”  and  “Best  Sustainable  Service”
        fixed broadband network are a prerequisite to delivering the best   categories within the “Best Business Award (BBA)”, which is one
        and most advanced services in the UAE as it enters the age of   of the most prestigious awards in the United Kingdom. With this
        Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) and the fourth   achievement, TDRA becomes the first federal entity that receives
        industrial revolution. This is also a major contributing factor to   these two awards in the field of procurement and supply at the
        the well-being, economic wealth and social prosperity of a nation.   regional level. The Best Business Awards (BBA) aims to identify
        Etisalat and du have worked towards continuously providing the   the most successful institutions in the public and private sectors,
        best customer experience with the highest penetration of fiber-  and highlight the innovation and creativity of the winning teams

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