Page 123 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
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        full  cooperation  and  also  offered  regulatory  knowledge  and   held annually, is one of the biggest telecom events in the world.
        experience,  whenever  required  by  the  Afghan  counterparts.  A   The Pakistan delegation participation in the event was effectively
        meeting was also held with President Huawei Middle East Region,   used  to  display  vast  opportunities  offered  by  Pakistan  telecom
        Charles Yang to discuss the role of tech vendors in bringing latest   sector. (July 5, 2021)
        telecom and ICT solutions for Pakistan. Mobile World Congress,


          The  Communications  Regulatory  Authority  (CRA)  recently   and  communications  technology  services  are  provided  across
        published on its website the fourth version of the Class License   Qatar. The additional frequencies to these applications and the
        for Short Range Devices (SRDs) that replaces the third version   review  of  the  authorized  maximum  allowed  output  power  for
        that was in place. The fourth version was designed to keep pace   some applications will allow using and selling a greater variety
        with rapid technological advancements in radio-communications   of  SRDs  in  the  country,  which  in  turn  will  benefit  consumers
        equipment and applications and according to the resolutions and   and other stakeholders,” said His Excellency Mohammed Ali Al-
        recommendations of World Radiocommunication Conference 2019   Mannai, President of CRA. It is worth mentioning  that the CRA
        (WRC-19). The Class License specifies the harmonized standards   is the responsible authority for regulating and managing all the
        to be used for SRDs and the fourth version includes updates to   affairs related to the use of the radio spectrum in Qatar, as well as
        the  rules,  international  standards  and  technical  specifications   establishing an effective approval regime for telecommunications
        for  the  SRDs  intended  to  be  imported  to  Qatar  as  well  as  the   equipment.  Accordingly,  CRA  has  the  powers  and  authorities
        corresponding  authorized  maximum  allowed  output  power.  In   of  granting,  amending,  renewing,  suspending,  and  revoking
        addition to updates related to the addition of new frequency bands   Class  Licenses,  Radio  Spectrum  Licenses  and  Authorizations
        and  applications  for  SRDs  including  Wireless  Access  Systems   and  determining  the  terms  and  procedures  necessary  for
        (WAS)  applications  like  Radio  Local  Area  Networks  (RLANs)   their issuance. Also, CRA sets and manages the plan for Radio
        applications onboard land vehicles which include wagons, cars,   Spectrum  and  ensures  the  optimal  use  of  it,  where  no  person
        trucks, and buses. “The introduction of the additional frequency   shall operate any radio-communications equipment or make any
        ranges was in response to the rapid increase in the uses of radio-  use of radio frequencies,  without a Radio Spectrum License or
        communications equipment and applications and the numerous   a  Radio  Frequency  Authorization  from  the  CRA.  Moreover,  CRA
        recent related advancements. In addition to CRA’s keenness to   monitors compliance by licensees with the terms and conditions
        ensure  that  there  is  enough  radio  spectrum  to  keep  pace  with   of their licenses and may take any measures and procedures in
        the  rapidly  evolving  technological  environment  and  therefore   this regard.
        ensuring  that  advanced,  innovative,  and  reliable  information   (June 7, 2021)

                                                                                               Saudi Arabia

        The Communications and Information Technology Commission   to facilitate using the spectrum on a shared basis among various
        (CITC) published a consultation on “Spectrum Light Licensing”.    users  and  services.  This  will  promote  competition  and  enable
        The purpose of this public consultation is to provide interested   innovation,  by  allowing  flexible  licensing  methods  to  meet  the
        parties  with  an  opportunity  to  submit  their  views  on  the   spectrum  needs  of  the  market  through  pioneering  methods  of
        introduction of the light licensing regime and its various aspects.   spectrum management. (August 22, 2021)
        As  part  of  CITC’s  mission  to  ensure  reliable  communications
        services and innovative digital technologies in the Kingdom, CITC   The  Saudi  Minister  of  Communications  and  Information
        previously  launched  its  ‘Spectrum  Outlook  for  Commercial  and   Technologies,  Abdullah  bin  Amer  Al-Sawaha,  met  the  Minister
        Innovative  Use  2021-2023’,  which  includes  the  commission’s   of Economic Development and Innovation of the Italian Republic,
        first step towards improving access to spectrum through a light   Giancarlo  Giorgetti.  Al-Swaha  also  held  a  meeting  with  the
        licensing regime. Today’s consultation document outlines CITC’s   Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy of the Federal
        plans  to  improve  access  to  more  than  13  GHz  of  spectrum,   Republic of Germany, Peter Altmaier, and the meeting discussed
        through  light  licensing  regimes  that  cater  for  specific  usage   the  Kingdom’s  efforts  to  accelerate  the  digital  transformation
        categories. The publication also includes an implementation plan   process,  stimulate  the  entrepreneurship  and  support  research,
        for the introduction of the licensing process which commences   development  and  innovation  system.  They  also  looked  at  the
        in early 2022. The main objective of this ambitious approach is   investment opportunities available in the Saudi market for German

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