Page 122 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
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        IT Ministry requested the ECC to approve the policy directive for   Syed Amin-Ul-Haque, the Minister of Information Technology and
        the  auction  of  NGMS  spectrum  in  Pakistan.  The  ECC  was  also   Telecommunications, said that the Ministry has finished preparing
        requested  to  deliberate  and  decide  on  the  recommendations   for  the  additional  spectrum  auction  across  the  state,  including
        given by the committee on the issues facing the telecom sector   Azad  Jammu  and  Kashmir  and  Gilgit-Baltistan.  The  Federal
        for  digital  enablement.  During  the  ensuing  discussion,  the  IT  &   cabinet authorized the spectrum auction at its meeting on July
        Telecom  Division  informed  the  ECC  that  the  recommendations   27, the Minister said in a statement. He said that an additional
        of  the  committee,  headed  by  the  Adviser  to  Prime  Minister  on   spectrum  was  being  auctioned  for  AJK  and  Gilgit-Baltistan  for
        Institutional Reforms and Austerity, were different from the policy   the first time in the country’s history. The county now has a 4G
        directive for the auction of NGMS spectrum whereas the policy   (fourth generation) facility, but with the new policy, residents will
        directive was in line with the past practice. The ECC discussed   have access to a 5G (fifth generation) service. Both AJK and GB
        the matter threadbare and observed that the recommendations   have 2G (second generation) mobile service, and residents in both
        of  the  committee  did  not  cover  exchange  risk  in  cases  where   areas have long wished for a better service, such as 4G, which is
        50%  balance  amount  would  be  paid  by  the  telecom  operators   currently available in Pakistan. According to him, the basic price
        in  installments.  Therefore,  it  would  be  advisable  to  go  by  the   for  the  1800  MHz  frequency  is  $31  million  per  MHz,  while  the
        past  practice.  The  ECC  considered  the  summary  submitted  by   price for the 2100 MHz frequency is $29 million per MHz. Amin
        the  Information  Technology  and  Telecommunication  Ministry   stated that networking initiatives worth Rs 32 billion were in the
        and  decided  that  the  Ministry  should  ensure  completion  of  the   works,  and  that  revolutionary  measures  in  the  field  of  IT  were
        auction process by the end of September 2021 in line with the   being done to enhance online activity. The Minister stated that the
        past practice. The spectrum auctions for the NGMS in Pakistan   ministry’s objective was to carry out the Prime Minister’s Digital
        were  conducted  in  2014,  2016,  and  2017,  under  the  directives   Pakistan  Vision,  which  included  the  provision  of  high-quality
        issued by the federal government. However, the demand for data   mobile  and  internet  services  across  the  country.  He  expressed
        services grew exponentially and in just seven years, the number of   his expectations that by auctioning the spectrum frequencies, the
        broadband subscribers in the country increased from 14 million in   government will be able to raise millions of dollars in addition to
        2014 to more than 100 million in April this year.      providing improved services to the public. (July 28, 2021)
        (August 7, 2021)
                                                               Chairman Pakistan Telecom Authority (PTA) Major Gen. (R) Amir
        Pakistan  Telecommunication  Authority  (PTA)  has  carried  out   Azeem  Bajwa  highlighted  achievements  made  by  Pakistan’s
        an independent Quality of Service (QoS) Survey in 12 cities and   telecom sector & recent initiatives taken by the Government & PTA
        12  motorways/highways/inter-city  roads  of  Punjab,  Khyber   for realization of “Digital Pakistan” vision and advancement of ICT
        Pakhtunkhwa  and  Balochistan  with  the  aim  to  measure  the   sector at GSMA Mobile World Congress “MWC Barcelona 2021”
        performance  and  service  quality  of  Cellular  Mobile  Operators   held in Spain recently. During the event, PTA and GSM Association
        (CMOs). The survey activity is part of the plan for QoS Surveys   (GSMA) signed a cooperation agreement. This collaboration was
        2021  and  is  a  continuous  exercise  in-line  with  the  vision  of   agreed  at  an  exclusive  “Realizing  Digital  Pakistan  Milestone
        Prime Minister of Pakistan to provide quality services to public/  Roundtable”. The key areas of collaboration under the agreement
        subscribers.  During  the  survey,  the  licensed  KPIs  of  voice,   are knowledge exchange, regulatory modernization, joint projects
        network  coverage,  SMS  and  mobile  broadband/data  were   for  digital  inclusion,  harmonizing  data  sharing,  digital  skills
        checked using automated QoS Monitoring & Benchmarking Tool   program and research on the ICT sector of Pakistan. GSMA will
        "SmartBenchmarker”. The Drive test teams selected survey routes   also  project  Pakistan’s  achievements  at  various  platforms  and
        in such a manner to cover main roads, service roads and majority   promote “Digital Pakistan” Vision at regional and global forums.
        of sectors/colonies in surveyed areas. Based upon the compliance   The Chairman also delivered a keynote address at the Roundtable
        level of each KPI as compared to the threshold defined in their   covering  the  digital  landscape  of  Pakistan,  steps  taken  to
        respective licenses and QoS regulations, CMOs have been ranked   address industry challenges and the market potential for further
        between 1st to 4th position in each category i.e. Mobile Network   investment by the operators. Chairman PTA met with Director of
        Coverage, Voice service and SMS service in surveyed cities and   International  Telecommunication  Union’s  Development  Bureau
        motorways/highways.  Similarly,  in  Mobile  Broadband  Speed   (ITU-BDT),  Doreen  Bogdan-Martin.  The  Chairman  briefed  the
        segment, the ranking is with respect to the highest data download   ITU  Director  about  digital  profile  of  Pakistan  including  market
        speed. As per the survey results, compliance level in broadband   potential,  spectrum  roadmap,  recent  achievements  and  efforts
        services  is  better  while  some  issues  have  been  observed  in   to  bridge  the  digital  divide.  The  ITU  Director  expressed  deep
        SMS and voice KPIs. The operators have been directed to take   appreciation  of  Government  of  Pakistan  and  PTA’s  efforts  for
        corrective  measures  for  improving  the  service  quality  upto  the   digital  transformation  and  assured  her  full  cooperation  to  PTA
        licensed standards. The survey results have been placed at PTA’s   and  other  ICT  stakeholders  in  Pakistan.  The  Chairman  also
        website  (  met  with  Masooma  Khawari,  Minister  of  Communications  and
        qos-survey)  for  information  of  the  subscribers.  By  making  this   Information Technology, Government of Afghanistan. He assured
        survey public, PTA is spurring competition among the operators   the Afghan IT Minister of PTA’s full cooperation with regards to
        to  improve  their  existing  infrastructure  with  an  ultimate  aim  to   proposed international connectivity initiatives involving operators
        increase the overall country-wide mobile service quality.  in  Pakistan  for  improvement  in  overall  broadband  experience
        (August 3, 2021)                            in  Afghanistan.  The  Chairman  assured  the  IT  Minister  of  PTA’s

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