Page 70 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
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                                             Tech Mahindra Partners with FireCompass to Launch

                                             Continuous  Automated Red Teaming Assessment
                                             (CARTA) for Large Enterprises

        Tech  Mahindra,  a leading  provider  of digital transformation,
        consulting, and business re-engineering services and solutions,
        today  announced  a  strategic partnership  with  FireCompass,
        a  leader  in  Autonomous  Red  Teaming and External  Attack
        Surface Management. The partnership will  launch CARTA-as-
        a-service to  help  enterprises  discover  cyber-vulnerabilities  and
        secure business-critical assets against cyber-attacks. With Tech
        Mahindra’s CARTA-as-a-service the customers  will  be able to
        address risks  and mitigate vulnerabilities  before they  can be
        identified and exploited by an attacker. CARTA provides an end-
        to-end solution that allows continuous and automated discovery
        of the digital  attack  surface. With  the help of CARTA, Tech
        Mahindra’s customers will be able to defend their critical assets
        against advanced adversaries by identifying attack surfaces and
        paths which can cause the most damage to an enterprise. Kunal   Tech Mahindra’s customers with continuous and holistic visibility
        Purohit,  Chief  Digital  Services  Officer,  Tech  Mahindra,  said,  “In   of the security posture of their  enterprise  and give them the
        today’s  phygitally  connected  world, guarding the cyber frontier   information needed to protect against common attack scenarios.
        has become imperative. It is no longer enough to do occasional   Bikash  Barai,  Co-Founder,  FireCompass said,  “The volume of
        or manual penetration testing to prevent revenue loss caused by   attacks on enterprises is increasing by the day and occasional or
        cyber-breach. There is a pressing need for holistic and advanced   manual Red Teaming is no longer enough. At FireCompass, our
        cyber-defense solutions to safe-guard business critical data. The   vision is to help organizations continuously discover and test their
        partnership  with FireCompass  will  assist  our  customers  with   attack surface using the same methods as that of attackers. We
        continuous security risk assessments and maintaining up-to-date   are delighted to partner with Tech Mahindra, the leading provider of
        security postures. The smart automation offering can be used by   digital transformation solutions, to help customers to continuously
        any kind of customer, in a wide range of industries, to thoroughly   discover and test  their attack  surface.” The new partnership
        assess and strengthen their cybersecurity strategies.” Traditionally,   with FireCompass further strengthens  Tech  Mahindra’s market
        most organizations conduct security testing a few times a year   position and ease of service to customers that expect nothing less
        against a partial list of known digital assets, leaving out unknown   than world-class cybersecurity  solutions. The  partnership  also
        or forgotten technologies.  To address this, Tech  Mahindra and   underlines the company’s focus on digital growth, under the NXT.
        FireCompass will join forces to offer global enterprises a system   NOW™ framework, which is focused on leveraging next-generation
        that automatically understands the vulnerabilities, determines the   technologies to deliver disruptive solutions today, further enable
        method of exploitation, and launches safe attacks which mimic a   digital transformation, and meet the evolving and dynamic needs
        real-world threat. CARTA identifies attack paths that conventional   of its customers.
        tools miss out on. The game-changing approach will also provide

        Tech Mahindra Partners with ColorTokens and SSIC to Launch Strategic
        Cyber Insights, Powered by X-Analytics                    ®

        Tech  Mahindra, a  leading  provider of digital transformation,   Strategic Cyber Insights, Powered by X-Analytics® presents cyber
        consulting  and business  reengineering  services and solutions,   analytics insights to help effectively mitigate threats and ensure
        announced the launch of its Strategic Cyber Insights, Powered by   organizations have the level of security dictated by their business.
        X-Analytics® - a strategic cyber risk advisory service. Through this   X-Analytics®  leverages  advanced  financial  cyber  risk  analytics
        new service, Tech Mahindra will break new ground for enterprises   enabling businesses navigate the uncertainty of cyber risk with
        that  embrace digital  transformation or leverage technology  to   confidence and clarity. Kunal Purohit, Chief Digital Services Officer,
        solve complex problems to future-proof business  operations   Tech Mahindra, said, “Cyber Security addresses a serious threat that
        incorporating cyber security at the optimum level. Tech Mahindra   will remain a risk for the next decade. For businesses, assurance
        has partnered with ColorTokens to deliver advanced Zero Trust   and insurance  are vital  as  every  breach could  cost millions of
        cybersecurity solutions, and risk management services leveraging   dollars and loss of critical data. Evaluating cyber security decisions
        ColorTokens’ partnership  with SSIC to quantify, manage  and   for successful business outcomes is a key component to modern
        track enterprise risk.  In collaboration  with ColorTokens and   business planning. With Tech Mahindra’s Strategic Cyber Insights,
        Secure Systems Innovation Corporation (SSIC), Tech Mahindra’s   Powered by X-Analytics®, we are empowering organizations to

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