Page 64 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
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        Nokia Research Reveals 5G Subscriptions in MEA to Exceed 250 Million by

        Nokia  announced  research that  forecasts 5G subscriptions  are   in MEA. Total data traffic is expected to increase significantly in
        expected to reach 263 million in the Middle East and Africa (MEA)   the next four years with a compound annual growth rate of 35
        region by 2026. The 5G subscription growth will primarily be in Gulf   percent. Mikko Lavanti, Head of Mobile Networks, Nokia MEA, said,
        Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, including Saudi Arabia, the   “Globally, the pace of 5G network rollouts has surpassed 4G/LTE
        UAE, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait and Bahrain. Additionally, subscribers   networks. Two years after the first LTE launch there were only 25
        in South Africa, Nigeria and North African countries will increase   million subscriptions across 60 networks, while two years after the
        adoption  following  the release  of new spectrum.  This trend  is   first 5G launch, 340 million subscriptions were registered across
        triggered by  the increasing use of high-bandwidth  consumer   155 networks. Similarly, in MEA, our MEA Broadband Index Report
        applications and industrial use cases. The Nokia MEA Broadband   finds 40 percent year-on-year growth in 4G data traffic but a huge
        Index  Report -  I*  provides valuable insight,  data and analysis   350 percent year-on-year growth in 5G data traffic in 2021 alone.
        on  mobile  broadband  subscribers,  coverage,  ARPU  and  traffic   This trend in the region clearly indicates that there is a pressing
        growth in the MEA region, as well its respective sub-regions: GCC,   need for the adoption and expansion of 5G networks across the
        Southern Africa, North Africa, Middle East, and Central East West   region.” “Ultra-low latency and ultra-fast 5G networks can support
        Africa. The report has been created based on Nokia’s intelligence,   a  plethora  of unimaginable use  cases such as  augmented  and
        as well as data from third-party sources, GlobalData and Tutela. In   virtual reality and uncover new potential in digitizing sectors such
        GCC countries, 5G technology will dominate with the subscriber   as energy, transport, healthcare, manufacturing  and education
        base reaching 64 percent of the total and with data traffic likely   while providing amazing experiences to individual users.”
        to surpass 70 percent by 2026, according to the study. In Africa,
        5G technology adoption will grow steadily, driven by the evolution
        of the device ecosystem and 5G spectrum  allocations in many
        countries. While 4G subscribers in the Southern Africa region are
        projected to reach 105 million (58 percent of total subscribers)
        by 2026, 5G will contribute more than one-fifth of data traffic in
        the same time-frame. North African operators have seen a high
        demand for mobile broadband and the region is expected to have a
        20 percent increase in total subscribers by 2026, compared to 2022.
        In Central East West Africa, today more than 60 percent of the total
        data traffic is carried by 4G. This traffic is expected to grow four
        times over the next four years. At the same time, 5G subscriptions
        are expected to account for nearly 10 percent of the total mobile
        subscribers in this period. The study also reveals that 5G and 4G
        together are expected to drive more than 90 percent of data traffic

        Nokia Radio Technology to Enable AST SpaceMobile’s Direct-to-Cell Phone

        Connectivity from Space

        Nokia announced that they have signed a five-year 5G deal with   relationships, AST SpaceMobile has entered into agreements and
        AST SpaceMobile, Inc. (“AST SpaceMobile”) (NASDAQ: ASTS) – the   understandings with mobile network operators which collectively
        company building the first and only space-based cellular broadband   service over 1.8 billion cellular customers. Nokia’s AirScale Single
        network accessible directly by standard 4G or 5G mobile devices.   RAN equipment aims  to enable  AST SpaceMobile  in providing
        Under the deal, Nokia and AST SpaceMobile will work to achieve   mobile services to  new and existing subscribers  in  regions
        their joint  ambition to expand  universal coverage and connect   currently not served by terrestrial communication networks. This
        underserved communities around the world. The launch of AST   includes connecting devices globally on land, at sea, or in flight.
        SpaceMobile’s BlueWalker 3 test satellite later this year will kick   Nokia will  provide equipment  from its  comprehensive, energy-
        off global testing with mobile network operators on six continents.   efficient  AirScale  portfolio  including  its  AirScale  base  stations
        AST SpaceMobile's mission is to eliminate the connectivity gaps   powered by its latest generation of Nokia’s ReefShark System-on-
        faced  by  over  five  billion  mobile  subscribers  worldwide  and  to   Chip (SoC) chipsets. AST SpaceMobile will benefit from Nokia’s
        bring  cellular broadband  to approximately  half of the world's   modular baseband plug-in cards which add capacity where it is
        population who remain unconnected. Their approach will mean   needed offering flexibility and efficiency. Nokia will also provide
        that subscribers outside the reach of cellular coverage could have   its NetAct solution for network management and seamless daily
        access to broadband speeds without having to invest in specialized   network operations as well as optimization and technical support
        hardware and be able to roam from land networks to space   services. “Connectivity should be considered an essential service
        networks for the first time. Through its mobile network operator   like water,  electricity,  or gas.  Everyone should be able to  have
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