Page 60 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 60


        Nokia Subscriber Data Management Software Selected by Jazz to Drive New

        Customer Services and Experience

                                                                                 will allow Jazz to use network automation
                                                                                 for zero-touch capacity scaling. In addition,
                                                                                 Nokia  NetAct will  provide a  consolidated
                                                                                 view of multi-domain,  multi-technology
                                                                                 networks for ensuring the best  network
                                                                                 experience.  Abdul  Rehman Usmani,  Vice
                                                                                 President, Network at Jazz, said: “Being the
                                                                                 largest digital mobile operator in Pakistan,
                                                                                 Jazz is playing a key role in the country’s
                                                                                 digitalization journey. Our extended collab-
                                                                                 oration with Nokia will help us further im-
                                                                                 prove the customer experience by ensuring
                                                                                 network resilience and rapidly launch new
                                                                                 consumer and business services. Nokia's
                                                                                 industry-proven  solution  will help  us to-
                                                                                 wards  readiness of  any  future  technolo-
        Nokia announced that Jazz, Pakistan’s larg-  centers in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi and   gies, while enhancing  the growing needs
        est mobile operator, has selected Nokia’s   Faisalabad to ensure network  availability   of the existing networks.” Imran Durrani,
        latest Subscriber Data Management (SDM)   as a disaster recovery solution. The deploy-  Head of Customer Team for Jazz at Nokia,
        software to enhance HLR/HSS network re-  ment, an extension of an existing collabo-  said: “Nokia  SDM’s  software  will  provide
        siliency  and accelerate  new product  and   ration, will help Jazz deliver its digital trans-  Jazz with a consolidated multi-technology
        services for Jazz customers. As part of a   formation-related  ambitions by allowing   network and enhance  its  digital  services
        phased expansion and deployment strate-  auto-provisioning of devices and services   by allowing the operator to auto-provision
        gy, the network will be gradually modern-  at massive scale to accelerate Pakistan’s   new devices at scale. We look forward to
        ized to fully cloud-based SDM architecture   digitalization.  Nokia  SDM’s  software  will   expanding  our  longstanding  relationship
        by 2025.  The  modernization  strategy will   reduce the provisioning time for new sub-  with Jazz for this crucial project as part of
        enable Jazz to deploy fully geographical-  scribers, services and functionalities. The   its network modernization transformation.”
        ly redundant active networks in four data   cloud transformation of the SDM network

        Nokia and Safaricom Complete FWA 5G Slicing Trial

        Nokia has announced that it has success-  Nokia’s AirScale 4G/5G base stations, the   tailoring our service offerings to individu-
        fully piloted 4G and 5G fixed wireless ac-  NetAct  network management  and assur-  al customers and industries, to meet their
        cess  (FWA)  network slicing  with Kenyan   ance system and Nokia’s FastMile 4G/5G   needs for high speed connectivity precisely
        operator Safaricom on its live commercial   CPE. James Maitai, Network Director of Sa-  and without unnecessary cost. Nokia’s ex-
        network. The Finnish vendor claims that it   faricom, said: ‘We are proud to have hosted   pertise has been key to this success, and
        is the first time that 4G/5G network slicing   Africa’s first successful pilot of 4G/5G FWA   we anticipate many more strategic wins in
        has been successfully achieved in Africa.   slicing on our network, and look forward to   this area as our business expands.’
        The trial  utilized  a  multi-vendor  network
        environment and included RAN, transport
        and core as well as software upgrades to a
        range of Nokia’s products and services. The
        successful trial demonstrates that Safar-
        icom is now poised to support new types of
        enterprise network services, including fast
        lane internet access and application slicing.
        In addition, Nokia is enabling secured FWA
        slice connectivity  to  enterprise  locations,
        as well as to private or public application
        clouds. The multi-vendor pilot, which took
        place in Kenya’s Western Region, demon-
        strated a  number of solutions  including

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