Page 24 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 24


        platform that provides the latest “Buy Now,   stages to the arbitration committee, which   ects, by providing a specialized workshops
        Pay Later” solutions, the “Siolla” application   is based on evaluating them on several cri-  and technical  advisory sessions  for this
        that helps individuals to invest their surplus   teria, including the quality of the idea, the   track. " It’s also worth mentioning that the
        funds, and the “FKEACI” platform to verify   work team, the possibility of expansion, and   inspireU program since its launch in 2015
        customers identity by using the artificial in-  the business model. Where rental commit-  has been able to incubated  75 emerg-
        telligence and automated learning to detect   tee of the arbitration has interviewed with   ing projects in various fields, as graduate
        plagiarism. Innovation Pioneers (IPSA) pro-  projects founders and chose the best proj-  companies  have obtained  investments
        vides an innovative and secure authentica-  ects to embrace them in the ninth intake to   worth more than 500 million Riyals, while
        tion system that enables their users to ver-  benefit from inspireU services. The Chief in-  the market value of these  investments
        ify remotely using encryption technologies   vestment officer, Motaz Alangari said: “The   amounts to more than 10 billion Riyals, and
        to reduce cyber risks and "Sabry" simulates   inspireU program in this intake included a   inspireU projects use more than 40 million
        phishing and automate response to email   special tack to support projects in cyber-  users, and financial transactions for incu-
        incidents. These projects were qualified out   security in cooperation with sirar from stc   bated projects worth more than 12 billion
        of more than 600 projects applied for the   group, the digital provider of cybersecurity   riyals, and contribute to the creation of 600
        9th intake of the program after they passed   services. Alangari stressed that  the es-  thousand jobs in the market of the region.
        all  the levels of screening,  which includ-  tablishment of this track aims to enhance
        ed presenting eligible projects in the final   local content and enable digital cyber proj-

        stc’s Revenues for Q2 and First Half Of 2022 Compared to the Comparable
        Quarter and First Half of Last Year Increased by 6.54% & 7.39% Respectively

        stc   announced    the    company’s  In accordance with the approved dividend   the close of trading on Sunday 07-08-2022
        preliminary  financial  results  for  the   policy for three years starting from the 4th   and as per the registered shareholders in
        period  ending  at  30  June  2022:  quarter 2021, which  was  announced  on   stc’s shareholders registry in the Depository
        •  Revenues  for  the 2nd  quarter reached   27 September 2021, and has been ratified   Center  at  the end of the 2nd trading day
          SAR 16,939m  with  an  increase of   during  the Ordinary  General  Assembly   following the eligibility date.  Dividend
          6.54%  compared to the corresponding   Meeting on November 30th 2021, stc will   distribution  date will  be on 25-08-2022.
          quarter  last  year.  For  the  first  half   distribute  a  total  of SAR 1,997.5  million   Consequently,  Alwetaid stated, “Among
          of 2022,  the revenues  reached SAR   in cash dividend  to the shareholders  for   these  investments is the establishment
          33,930m   an  increase  of  7.39%.  the 2nd quarter 2022, representing SAR 1   of a major digital center  for the Middle
        •  Gross Profit for the 2nd quarter reached   per share as the total number of Treasury   East  and North  Africa "MENA  HUB”  with
          to SAR 9,174m with an increase of   shares related to the Employees Stock   capital of nearly SAR 4  billion,  which will
          9.84%  compared to the corresponding   Incentives Plan stood at 2,499,963 shares   strengthen  the Kingdom's  position as  a
          quarter  last  year.  For  the  first  half  of   at  the end  of the second  quarter 2022   significant digital center in the region and
          2022,  the  Gross  Profit  reached  SAR   and those shares are not entitled for any   the world. Moreover, a new company in the
          18,324m with an increase of 8.37%.  dividends  distribution. The eligibility of   field of IoT was established in partnership
        •  Operating  Profit  for  the  2nd  quarter   dividends shall be for the shareholders at   with  the Public Investment Fund (PIF)  to
          reached to SAR 3,720m with an increase
          of 14.46% compared to the corresponding
          quarter  last  year.  For  the  first  half  of
          2022, the Operating Profit reached SAR
          7,543m with an increase of 12.05%.
        •  Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Zakat,
          Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA)
          for the 2nd quarter reached to SAR 6,204m
          with an increase of 10.25% compared to
          the corresponding quarter last year. For
          the first half of 2022, the Earnings before
          Interest, Taxes, Zakat, Depreciation and
          Amortization (EBITDA) reached  SAR
          12,504m with an increase of 9.03%.
        •  Net  Profit  for  the  2nd  quarter  reached
          to SAR 2,837m with an increase of
          0.57%  compared to the corresponding
          quarter  last  year.  For  the  first  half
          of  2022,  the  Net  Profit  reached  SAR
          5,872m with an increase of 1.71%.

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