Page 19 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 19


                                                                                     CMI  is committed  to
                                                                                     creating       three-dimen-
                                                                                     sional,  high-speed  infra-
                                                                                     structure       of     “cable
                                                                                     systems, PoPs and  data
                                                                                     centers’     to     empower

                                                                                     digitalization  and intelli-
                                                                                     gence.  Currently, CMI has
                                                                                     more  than 70  subma-
                                                                                     rine  and land communi-
                                                                                     cation  cables  worldwide,
                                                                                     successfully  surpassing
                                                                                     the  110T  international
                                                                                     transmission  bandwidth,
        the facility construction  period  can be   In  2020,  CMI  Global Network Center   with up to 225 PoPs .
        shortened by  about 90%, while reducing   (GNC), located in Hong Kong, has reduced
        investment by 30% to 40% and land area by   carbon  emissions over 1.53m  kg and   The  new data center  is also aiming for
        30%-60%. It also improves energy efficiency   saved  electricity  consumption  over  green building certifications such as BEAM
        by 8% to 17% and facilitates 5G as well as   3.06m  kilowatt  hours. The China Mobile   Plus and LEED Gold.
        the construction  and operation of low-  Guangdong-Hong  Kong-Macau Greater
        carbon  data  centers. This solution has   Bay Area Hong Kong Fo Tan Data Centre   CMI  is  committed to creating three-
        been  launched  and applied  to operators   under  construction  is  adopting  a  low-  dimensional, high-speed infrastructure of
        in China, Thailand, Pakistan  and other   carbon  approach  for Fo Tan Data  Center,   “cable systems, PoPs and data centers’ to
        countries  and regions,  and has  received   which  will have an average  power usage   empower  digitalization  and intelligence.
        positive feedback.                   effectiveness  (PUE)  rating of less than   Currently, CMI has more than 70 submarine
                                             1.3 and an extended life expectancy. The   and land communication cables worldwide,
        China Mobile comprehensively deploys   new data center will be equipped with an   successfully  surpassing  the  110T
        global ‘low-carbon’ digital infrastructure  AI  system  to  maximize  efficiency  in  six   international transmission bandwidth, with
        The China Mobile Sustainable Report 2021   critical areas: Material & Resources, Water   up to 225 PoPs . There are 4 self-owned
        was officially published in June 2022. The   Efficiency,  Energy  Efficiency,  Sustainable   data centers in Hong Kong, China (launched
        report  illustrates  that  China Mobile has   Sites, Smart Building  and Transportation   in Nov 2014), Singapore (launched in July
        implemented a “Green Action Plan” for 15   and  Indoor  Environmental  Quality.  2019), London (launched in Dec 2019) and
        consecutive years, proactively exploring or-  This approach aims  to explore energy   Frankfurt (launched  in Feb 2021). With
        ganic and unified energy-saving and emis-  conservation and  emissions  reduction   Hong Kong, China  as  its  launchpad, CMI
        sions reduction for itself, industry and soci-  for greener data centers. With a focus on   has  significantly  accelerated  global  IDC
        ety as a whole, while promoting sustainable   robust infrastructure, life-cycle impact   development, creating a strong network for
        development. As China Mobile’s subsidiary,   reduction,  sustainability, green-planting,   data center cloudification.
        China Mobile International (CMI) has also   renewable energy, AI technology and green
        been consistently promoting carbon reduc-  certification,  CMI  is  positioning  Fo  Tan   CMI insists on green  development  and
        tion and energy saving, building green data   Data Center as a reliable and environment-  operates  green  data  centers.  At  the
        centers.                             friendly data center and an industry leader.   beginning  of the construction  of each

            CMI  insists on  green  development  and  operates  green            data center, the priority is given to energy
                                                                                 saving and emission reduction. Firstly, our
            data centers. At the beginning of the construction of each           data  centers  are  adopting  high  efficiency
            data  center, the  priority  is given  to  energy saving  and        and low carbon intelligent  technology
                                                                                 with higher  temperature and AC direct
            emission reduction. Firstly, our data centers are adopting           supply power distribution  architecture. A
            high efficiency and low carbon intelligent technology with           data center with the capability of loading
            higher temperature and AC direct supply power distribution           200,000  servers  can reduce  electricity
                                                                                 consumption up to 120m kilowatt hours per
            architecture                                                         year. Secondly, the data center is equipped

                                                                                                  19  JULY-AUGUST 2022
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