Page 25 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
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support IoT technologies in the Kingdom investments reflect stc group commitment capital by 150% to reach SAR 50 billion by
through stc’s reliable digital infrastructure of achieving its strategy to expand in scope granting bonus shares through capitalizing
to take advantage of the expected growth and scale to be aligned with Kingdom’s SAR 30 billion from retained earnings.
and increasing demand for its services and digital transformation acceleration Finally, Alwetaid stated, “We are proud of
products. Adapting to the ICT acceleration pace, diversify investments and build a the achievements made during the past. We
pace, Solutions by stc (one of the group's comprehensive digital ecosystem.” In will continue working on accelerated pace,
subsidiaries) announced its acquisition of line with the objective of supporting the providing the latest technological solutions
89% of Giza Systems Company and 34% group in achieving its “DARE 2.0” strategy in addition to developing a reliable digital
of the remaining share - not owned by it - that aims for expansion, growth, and infrastructure within our digital ecosystem.
in its subsidiary, Giza Arabian Systems, maximizing shareholders’ return through This will boost the Kingdom’s position as
to expand and diversify its products and increasing and diversifying investments a leading digital service center through
services to meet customers’ demand. This and seizing growth opportunities in the innovative projects and global partnerships.
acquisition also enhances Solutions by telecommunications and information Thus, enabling the digital transformation of
stc’s position and leadership in enabling technology sectors in the Kingdom and the public and private sectors will reflect
digital transformation in the Kingdom and the region; stc’s board of directors recently in strengthening the digital economy in
the region. Alwetaid confirmed, “These recommended increasing the company’s harmony with the Kingdom's Vision 2030.
etisalat by e& Enables UAE PASS Login on App
and Portal
Etisalat UAE, branded as etisalat by e&, an- physical and digital channels and offer a account management, plan changes, and
nounced the integration of the UAE PASS truly omnichannel and digital-first experi- contract – all these are now accessible via
login on the ‘My Etisalat UAE’ app and por- ence. A superior and differentiating cus- an easy log in with UAE PASS. Other fea-
tal (, enabling all subscrib- tomer experience is a foundational block tures include buying devices, subscribing to
ers to seamlessly log in with their secure in etisalat by e&’s transformation into a new services or troubleshooting technical
national digital identity details. UAE PASS is digital telco. The company is harnessing issues are also available using the self-care
the first secure national digital identity for the power of analytics and AI to offer per- support modules on the app. To further en-
citizens and residents, allowing users to ac- sonalized experiences across all digital and hance customer experience, both the app
cess many online services across various physical channels. The digital experience and website interfaces are undergoing a
sectors, sign and authenticate documents, of customers is enhanced through the ‘My full revamp along with additional features.
perform transactions digitally and request Etisalat UAE’ app as they can fully view and Currently, there are more than 4 million cus-
a digital version of their official documents. make all their required transactions on the tomers who are actively using the ‘My Eti-
In partnership with etisalat by e&, all cus- app, such as access and payment of bills, salat UAE’ App on a regular basis.
tomers with a verified UAE PASS account
can use the UAE PASS authentication to
access accounts registered against their
Emirates ID with this new login feature.
This bolsters security and combats fraud
for users, making it convenient and popular
among subscribers. Additionally, etisalat
by e& has made it possible for subscrib-
ers to register for the UAE PASS on its app
and website without the need to go to any
physical outlet. etisalat by e&’s continuous
efforts to digitize customer journeys now
offer a ‘zero-touch’ experience with a fo-
cus on enhancing digital channels such as
apps, websites and social media, optimiz-
ing contact center performance with the in-
troduction of virtual agents, and revamping
and digitizing its stores. This integration
of the national identity across the digital
channels is in line with etisalat by e&’s main
objective to combine the optimum mix of