Page 122 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 122


        Global AI Market Will Grow to Over 1.5 Trillion U.S. Dollars by 2030

        Ever increasing  technological  change  is
        rapidly increasing its beneficial impact on
        every aspect of people's lives, leisure and
        work  activity.  As  it  is  as  every  business
        in  the  world turns to  digital  solutions to
        keep  pace  with an ever more demanding
        customer. A key engine for these changes
        is the  application  and development  of
        Artificial  Intelligence  (AI),  linking  up  with
        the whole digital ecosystem of Internet of
        Things (IoT),  5G,  cloud  computing,  cyber
        security, entertainment and local, national
        and international complete connectivity. AI
        is proving increasing disruptive impacting
        positively the speed, efficiency and cost of
        our daily lives. It is impacting healthcare,
        financial products, leisure, manufacturing,
        retail amongst many other sectors as well
        as creating new sectors for the future. It is
        also saving lives as well as time, for example
        in healthcare, where it can identify, analyze
        and personalize treatments, quicker, safer
        and more effectively than ever before. AI is
        also helping protect our planet, embedded   digital enabler in the region, has launched   of stc’s strategic  partnership  with SCAI
        within smart infrastructures,  smart cities   a long-term strategic partnership with the   and DataRobot is  very  much  in line with
        and resource management  to  ensure we   Saudi  Company  for  Artificial  Intelligence   its Vision 2030 goals and “Dare” strategy,
        protect the planet and provide food more   (SCAI) and DataRobot. This partnership will   which  aims  to improve and develop
        productively  and  efficiently.  The  market   drive the  growth and development  of the   the local economy, while safeguarding
        research firm IDC projected that the global   Kingdom’s AI capabilities and empower the   the Kingdom’s  sustainable growth, and
        AI market will reach a size of over half a   next generation of Saudi changemakers and   supporting its human capital development.
        trillion U.S.  dollars by  2024.  Precedence   tech talent. All partners will leverage their   SCAI  and DataRobots  join stc’s long  list
        research suggest the market will grow to   resources, networks and ecosystems with   of  partners, including Ericsson, Huawei
        over 1.5  trillion  U.S.  dollars by  2030,  as   a  range  of ongoing collaborative efforts,   and Nokia — likeminded entities that have
        stated by Statista. This growth is fueled by   working together  closely and  sharing   supported the digital service provider to
        an ever-increasing number of AI startups.   best practices to advance the Kingdom’s   establish three  innovation centers for
        AI  startup  acquisitions  have  accelerated   tech landscape to transform it into a hub   research and development in the Kingdom.
        since  2010, growing almost fourfold   of innovation.  As part  of the agreement,   This adds even more weight to stc as the
        between  2015 and 2018.  Global funding   DataRobot  —  the AI Cloud  leader  —  will   only global player owning and operating the
        for AI startups has increased from over a   establish its  regional headquarters in   complete digital eco-system of IoT, cloud,
        billion U.S. dollars in 2013 to 8.5 billion U.S.   KSA, where an AI development  hub  and   connectivity, cybersecurity, entertainment,
        dollars  in  the  first  quarter  of  2020  alone.   Research and Development center will also   banking, every aspect of connectivity and
        The potential and key  importance of AI   be set  up.  The launch of the partnership   5G etc. It  builds on  the $1bn launch  of
        has been recognized with Saudi Arabia for   marks the latest step taken by stc and SCAI   its  major  digital  hub “MENA  Hub” for the
        some time. An indication is the formation   to bolster the Kingdom’s AI infrastructure,   Middle East and North Africa, investment
        of  the  Saudi  Company  for  Artificial   with DataRobot underlining its commitment   with Alibaba Group  the Alibaba Cloud  in
        Intelligence  (SCAI), a  company wholly   to  democratizing  artificial  intelligence  by   Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with an
        owned  by  Public Investment  Fund  (PIF),   providing  people  and communities easy   initial capital investment of $238.3 million
        to grow and develop artificial intelligence   access to  quality  AI  solutions.  Crucially,   (SAR 894 million), a 5):50 joint venture with
        (AI)  and emerge technologies into   this will also contribute to the enhancement   PIF forming a specialized company for IoT,
        industries in KSA, to substitute innovation   of regional and global AI services in green   are just  three recent illustrations of  stc’s
        in  strategic sectors and accelerate  key   tech, oil and gas and healthcare, setting the   determination  to  invest  with  expanding
        national technological  priorities. Within   Kingdom apart — on the global stage — as   scope,  increasing scale and accelerating
        this ambitious framework, stc, the leading   a  pioneer  of tech innovation. The launch   pace.

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