Page 64 - SAMENA Trends - January 2022
P. 64


        South Africa Makes Plans to Launch Communication Satellites

        The  South  African  government  is  fast-
        tracking plans to  develop local satellites
        for connectivity and tracking. This is
        according to the Nation’s Communications
        and   Digital  Technologies  Minister,
        Khumbudzo  Ntshaveni.  Addressing a
        technology  conference,  Ntshaveni said
        the department is considering  ways to
        condense the satellite program. Typically,
        the program would take between  eight
        and ten years to develop. According  to
        her,  the revised  program could  be ready
        to launch in just three to four years. The
        minister said  that  this  will  depend  on
        funding,  with  the government  hopeful
        that telecommunications  and mining
        companies  will  help  co-fund  the project.
        Furthermore, Ntshavheni has  stated that   geostationary  telecommunications  “The satellite would create an  enabling
        they  are  targeting  the  financial  year’s   satellite.  The commission  noted  that   environment  that  opens  opportunities  for
        end  to  finalize  the  revised  proposal.  She   it would  offer its services to the  entire   a shared economy  that would  empower
        noted that they had started engaging with   Southern African Development Community   all Africans to change their material social
        industries  and satellite technology users   (SADC) region.  The SADC includes   conditions and alleviate poverty, inequality
        to discuss pulling resources together. “We   Angola,  Botswana, Eswatini,  Lesotho and   and youth unemployment. We would create
        already have, as a country, capacity through   Zimbabwe, Alongside South Africa  The   much-needed redundancy by large global
        the space-tech  to manage satellites.   commission  also noted  that  the satellite   enterprises,” it said. The commission also
        There  are  satellites  that  at  a  particular   would provide free and quality connectivity   expressed that the geostationary satellite
        level or orbit level, their management  is   for marginalized communities in the SADC   would  also add value in setting up  an
        done from South Africa, so we’ve got that   region. This would enable them to access   African central exchange for voice, data and
        capacity so we can go all the way and own   4IR  applications, especially for smart   other communication media – and enable
        a satellite,”  says Ntshavheni  Additionally,   health, smart  learning services.  It  would   smart contracts for the African Continental
        a President Cyril Ramaphosa-established   also  allow  access to smart  ammunition,   Free Trade Agreements (AfCFTA)
        commission had previously recommended   smart  minerals,  smart  agriculture, smart
        that government build  and launch  a   contracts  and  smart  financial  services.

                                                                                  China  Launches New

                                                                                  Communication  Tech-

                                                                                  nology Experiment

                                                                                  China  successfully  sent  a  new
                                                                                  communication  technology  experiment
                                                                                  satellite  into space from  the  Xichang
                                                                                  Satellite Launch Center  in southwest
                                                                                  China's  Sichuan Province. The satellite
                                                                                  was launched by a Long March-3B carrier
                                                                                  rocket at 0:43 a.m. (Beijing Time) and has
                                                                                  entered the planned  orbit.  The launch
                                                                                  marked the 405th mission of Long March
                                                                                  series carrier rockets.

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