Page 63 - SAMENA Trends - January 2022
P. 63


        Argentina’s State-Owned Satellite Company to Enable Free Internet Access

        Arsat, Argentina’s  state-owned  satellite   the bidders in a process launched by the   with just under 300 Meraki brand access
        company, is to run a 289 million peso (about   open  government  and digital  country   points. We still await  a  comprehensive
        $2.8 million) project to provide connectivity   undersecretariat, which is part of the public   list of locations, though we do know that
        for free  internet access  in towns across   innovation secretariat (SIP). The site says   about 28 percent of the new facilities
        the country. Arsat will connect towns that   that  the  12-month agreement  between   will  be located in  the central region,  23
        still  lack  access  to telecommunications   Arsat  and SIP  includes  the installation   percent  in the city of Buenos  Aires and
        services in the 24 provinces of the country.   of 40 VSAT antennas,  231 local  access   Buenos  Aires province,  18 percent  in the
        The installation of services will be carried   loops, 1584  Wi-Fi  subscriptions, 120   northwest, 15  percent in  Patagonia, 11
        out  using  fiber  optic,  satellite/VSAT   VSAT subscriptions, 1848 Wi-Fi and VSAT   percent in the northeast and 5 percent in
        and Wi-Fi infrastructure. News website   subscriptions and 6,804 subscriptions that   the Cuyo region. Arsat already operates a
        bnamericas says  that  Arsat  was  among   integrate terrestrial and Wi-Fi links, along   nearly 32,000-metre fibre optic wholesale
                                                                                 network, while its geostationary satellites
                                                                                 ARSAT-1 and ARSAT-2 offer coverage  in
                                                                                 Argentina and the entire Americas. The
                                                                                 planned third satellite in the fleet, ARSAT-
                                                                                 SG1, will become the first national satellite
                                                                                 to operate in the Ka-band. This is not the
                                                                                 only major win for the state-owned satellite
                                                                                 company this  year.  Last  week  Arsat
                                                                                 reported thar it had received approval and
                                                                                 funding for a satcoms and cellular-based
                                                                                 IoT service for asset tracking.

        Russia’s Sphere Satellite Constellation Moves Towards Implementation

        After  several stages of discussions and approvals  in the   industries.   “Nevertheless, all  this  time  Roscosmos  continued
        government, the Federal Sphere project received a development   to develop and promote  the frontal development  strategy of
        plan supported by funding. In the coming years, emphasis will be   the State Corporation, which is based on the Sphere project. In
        placed on developing technologies and creating the first samples   general,  the upcoming  three-year stage of the “Sphere” can be
        of spacecraft. The final decision on the number and composition   called preparatory: within its framework, various technologies will
        of satellite constellations will be made based on the results shown.  be tested and prototypes of equipment will be manufactured. It
        The pandemic and the need to address priority state tasks have   depends on the results of the stage, along which path the process
        made certain adjustments to the plans for the implementation   of mass  production  and deployment of groupings  in orbits will
        of the federal project “Sphere”. The creation of a national multi-  go. With all the changes, the main idea of the project – space for
        satellite  constellation  of communications  and Earth  remote   humans – remains the same. Sphere is one of the key projects of
        sensing (ERS) will continue, but the process will be phased and   Roscosmos aimed at developing space information technologies
        more variable. Behind the long – over two years – coordination   and eliminating the so-called digital inequality.  Thanks to
        in the federal executive bodies. “After we presented the project   it, the most modern  communication  and monitoring  system
        to the government for the last time, a number of meetings were   will  be created,  including  both the existing and future space
        held, including with the Ministry of Finance, under the leadership   infrastructure. A significant part of the territory of our country is
        of Deputy Prime Minister for the Defense Industry Complex Yuri   located in high latitudes, where the population density is low, and
        Borisov,  as  well  as  under  the leadership of the President. As  a   the zones of taiga, tundra and permafrost interfere with the laying
        result, the Ministry of Finance provided funding for priority work   of fiber-optic communication networks. In such places, satellites
        on the Sphere project – 7 billion rubles [US $92.47 million] for this   will help to provide a full range of telecommunication services for
        year [2021] and another 7 billion [US $92.47 million] annually from   stationary and mobile objects. It is planned to achieve these goals
        2022 to 2024,” Sergey Prokhorov, Director of the Department of   by  deploying groups with  Yamal  and Express  communication
        Prospective Programs and the SFERA Project, told Russian Space.   satellites in geostationary and Express-RV in highly  elliptical
        The top manager of Roscosmos believes that a combination of   orbits, with SKIF broadband Internet access devices in medium
        circumstances had an effect: “Recently, there have been several   orbits and satellites  to  provide the Internet of  things.  Earth
        well-known events that have entailed  colossal government   observation in various wavelength ranges will be conducted by
        spending. This is both a pandemic, the consequences of which   the constellations of the SMOTR, Berkut-O, Berkut-VD, Berkut-X
        affected  the  socio-economic  situation in the  country, and   and Berkut-XLP spacecraft. As a result, integrated services will
        sanctions, which affected a number of Russian enterprises and   develop for the growth of all sectors of the country’s economy.

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